ALPHA Business Solutions Defies
Looking back at the CeBIT 2009 – ALPHA business solutions defies the crisis of Kaiserslautern, March 16, 2009 – consists in the China of two characters the word “Crisis” – the one means ‘Danger’ and the other ‘chance’. This is basically the conclusion reflects what the ALPHA business solutions has taken from the talks at this year’s CeBIT. Contact information is here: Linkedin. “The impact of the economic crisis do not stop even before the German medium-sized businesses. Read more from Linkedin to gain a more clear picture of the situation. What forms it takes, can speak but very differently”, explains ALPHA business solutions Board of Directors Michael Finkler. “Not a few companies want to invest just in recessions in organizational, process and software technical optimization measures.
The enterprise software is becoming increasingly importance in this context as an optimization tool and control instrument. Growth-oriented enterprises see also a chance in changing the ERP to realign the Organization and permanently reduce process and infrastructure costs. In the times when the own resources do not fully utilized are, is the necessary free space there, to set the course for the time after the crisis.” “Already in the run-up to CeBIT we could win some new and large projects, positively voted us for the fair. The promising talks at this year’s CeBIT was now further evidence that the willingness to invest in SMEs is still quite high. The companies, who want to learn in this economic environment at the CeBIT, who often also more concrete investment intentions”sums up Michael Finkler.
“More than 20% of our visitors were also completely new prospects. The total number of contacts was on last year’s level. From a sales perspective the CeBIT was therefore very successful 2009 for us.” On the issues agenda stood apart from proALPHA 5.2 and own industry solutions of especially proALPHA APS developed for real-time multimedia resource planning, as well as services related to the business process and analysis of potential for the reduction of process and adjustment costs. In addition, it was again clear in the talks that the companies prefer fit and fully integrated offerings. Costs incurred through extensive industry adjustments or maintenance-intensive interface care should be avoided in this way. The currently existing and future newly developed industry solutions of ALPHA business solutions AG offer SMEs so significant added value, which is reflected also in the ERP project success. ALPHA business solutions AG the ALPHA business solutions AG is one of the leading specialists for business process optimization and the introduction of business standard software in Germany. The company was founded in 1994 as the first subsidiary of proALPHA Software AG and released in 2003 from the proALPHA group of companies. ALPHA business solutions manages more than 300 ERP projects in over 1,200 companies. The solution portfolio includes in addition to the complete ERP solution proALPHA also own developed solutions on By proALPHA, also is based the company in early 2008 also early partner of SAP for the on-demand solution SAP Business ByDesign. Thus, the company offers a wide range of powerful and requirement-oriented ERP solutions for medium-sized industrial, commercial and service companies. With a comprehensive industry expertise, many years of experience in business process optimization and ERP project management, as well as a professional software-based ERP implementation methodology, ERP projects be implemented efficiently, safely and successfully. Press contact: trend Lux pr GmbH Petra Spielmann Oeverseestrasse 10-12 D-22769 Hamburg phone + 49 (0) 40-800 80 990-0 fax + 49 (0) 40-800 80 990-99 E-Mail: Internet: company contact: ALPHA business solutions AG Carmen Reiser of Brussels str. 5 D-67657 Kaiserslautern Tel: + 49 (0) 631-3 03 47-0 fax: + 49 (0) 631-3 03 47-399 E-Mail: Internet: