EPS Product Consumption

In recent years we are accenting the reflection of the necessity to consume products of the EPS, fighting the typical consumerism of the capitalist market. The leaderships that not necessarily work in a group are stimulated to use these products, the leaderships have as I begin to divulge in its spaces of work and study the idea of the EPS. Ahead of the structural unemployment, of the concentrative economic policy of wealth and of the impoverishment of the population, the difficulties that we face are innumerable. The constituent values of the capitalist society ' ' permeiam' ' the groups and the involved people in alternative groups, that is, do not have immune alternative social project to the vices of the neoliberal logic. But defense mechanisms exist: the formation and the permanent reflection. The ambition can come all to tona at any time, as, for example, in the competition it even though enters the proper groups in the vacations or in day-by-day.

To surpass this, the only available tool is the study and the exercise of criticizes permanent. Unhappyly, some groups are surpassed by the analysis lack, if they desestruturam for not having obtained to surpass the economic difficulties of relationship and. Some entities partners in the promotion of the EPS they exactly understand the groups with end in itself, that is, they are worried only about the quality and the amount of products produced for the group, leaves of side the referring reflection to the new model of society. The group is not an island, is not enough to establish internal relations of solidarity, the group has that to interact with the external society. This relation articulated with other groups is the way of the social transformation, therefore structures politics are questioned, cultures are modified and an alternative of social organization is constructed in fact. The EPS, many times, appear as the only exit to the problematic one of the unemployment. But the EPS separately is not the solution of the existing problems in the World of the Work, currently.

However, it is part, with certainty, of the set of ways that must be trod to conquer a better world, together with social, pastorais movements and unions, in the perspective of the society based on the fraternity, cooperativismo, equality and freedom. The EPS not yet is conceived as one public politics, therefore the apoiadoras entities and groups pressure the State to invest in the sector. The State prioritizes the model of development based on the expansion of the transnational capital, submitting the public machine to the necessities of the great financial, agro-industrial and industrial complexes. The challenge of on agents the EPS is to become it one public politics and to fortify it as a development strategy which is not the capital the center of the objectives, but the welfare of the human being. Each enterprise of EPS backwards I obtain the embryo of solidarity, of the respect to the diversity, acting transforming partner and the inclusion of all and all in a better world. Perceiving the EPS of this form, we can affirm that it is yes the Economy of the Poor persons, because it is the Economy of the People of God! Bibliography annual Reports of the Pastoral Operate

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