Finance Portal: Insurance
Living conditions governing contribution not only mourning a sudden death in the family caused, but has often also have financial consequences for the survivors. The finance portal informs how a case can be provided for above. First, there is the possibility to complete a capital life insurance, which includes a savings option in addition to the pure death protection. A risk life insurance is much cheaper and more effective. The insurance sum specified by the customer to the persons listed in the contract will be awarded in the event of death. For this, the insured person must pay an annual contribution. The amount of these payments is influenced by various factors such as age, gender, and health status.
The policyholder is smoking or he runs a risk of high-risk hobby, as well increased the sum to be paid annually. The various policies that are available for a risk life insurance to choose, differ mainly in the price. In some cases, submit Offers of different insurers of under 200 euros up to about 600 euros a year. Vary depending on the individual circumstances, the insurer with the best deals. According to the Stiftung Warentest for example 27 non-smoking with a sum insured will receive the cheapest offer at CosmosDirekt 150,000. Would the same person complete a contract at the age of 34, would be the best policies for ERGO direct and neckermann. A risk life insurance can ensure the financial security of the bereaved. This is important in particular for children and partners who either are not working or are not entitled to survivor’s pension. More information: presse.