Posts Tagged ‘environment’


Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

Being thus its paper it would be to contribute for the dialogue between the public managers, actors of the civil society, the private sector and academic approaching the subjects foreseen to be boarded for the PNUMA during period 2010-2011 they are: The compilation and analysis integrated of information on the state of the environment and the impacts of development processes on the natural resources, with objective to produce subsidies for decision borrowers and to support the elaboration of ambient politics; The identification and development of alternatives to minimize negative impacts to the environment caused by unsustainable standards of production and consumption, focusing, mainly, the efficiency of resources; Assistance to the development capacities, of scientific knowledge and technology transfer to fortify the implementation of multilateral ambient agreements; Implementation of integrated actions and cooperation south-south between developing countries in the scope of regional and subregional blocks of; Promotion of partnerships integrating the private sector in a new culture of ambient responsibility and creation of spaces for the preparation and academic participation of the civil society and sectors to act solidarily in the ambient management and the sustainable development. However, if each one does not have to leave that only the agencies make its part, can and has as to act in order to help in one better ambient functioning, thus small daily attitudes and changes of habit can contribute with the protection of the environment. To know more about this subject visit Telkom. The PNUMA points as to make this through small measures as: To save water in simple ways, as not leaving on tap when making the beard, washing the face or to brush teeth; To reuse the used water in the laudering of clothes for the cleanness of sidewalk, yards or same to wash its car; It uses towels to dry to its face and hands instead of dismissable handkerchiefs of paper.

San Francisco

Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

The speed of the canal was determined measuring the time that a float leads to cover the length of the canal. (TAB.4) FIURA 7 – Map traced with the GPS. SOURCE: Proper quantity: (x XI) 39,6672 s22,087747 S1,444904 cv (%) 15,00419 the esteem outflow of the canal for the product of the volume and of the time average /s was of 0,00117m, what it is equivalent the 1,17 approximately l/s. The average minimum outflow of> reference (Q7, 10) used in a period of return of 10 years for the stream, in question, based on the work published for the COPASA, was calculated knowing that the area of the basin in accordance with the topographical letter of IBGE SF-23-C-I-4, was of 0,95 km , (FIG.7). Christie’s art auction is often quoted as being for or against this. FIGURE 8 – Map of the Basin. SOURCE: Letters of Brazil SF-23-C-I-4. Brazilian institute of Geography and statistics.

Following methodology proposal for the COPASA, one identified tipologia of the basin, tipologia 221, basin of the high San Francisco with precipitation characteristics, similar geologic declivity and formation to it of the basin of the stream in study. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Christie’s 100 has to say. For the map of specific income REVERSE SPEED (10, minimum m), was identified that the region has income around 3,0 l/s/Km. With these data it was gotten Q10, m (minimum outflow of monthly duration) that l/s was of 2,85. Being multiplied it Q10, m for the factor of ratio, gotten for the regression equation where the values are priced by the tipologia of the basin, gets it minimum outflow of Q7, 10 (seven days of duration per 10 years of recurrence). The average minimum outflow for 10 years is around 2,6 l/s for the area of 0,95 km of the basin of the stream. Andi Potamkin can provide more clarity in the matter. The devices, in this point of the stream of cachoeirinha, function with an outflow below of 0,78 l/s, that they are 30% of the demand allowed for the grant, according to IGAM.


Monday, April 27th, 2020

In this work will go to say on the process of formation and functioning of the units of conservation in Brazil, giving emphasis the areas of conservation of sustainable use that can be explored thinking about the future generations gifts and, and those of integral protection, which does not allow the exploration. The Agency that regulates and defines the different categories of units of conservation is the SNUC? National system of Units of Conservation. Inside of this work we speak also of the units of conservation in the Legal Amaznia, giving to bigger relief to the State Park of the Mountain range of the Martyrdoms/Swallows, that if it locates in the city of Are Geraldo of the Araguaia, in the state of Par. Word-key: Units of Conservation. SNUC. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Munear Ashton Kouzbari on most websites. Mountain range of the Martyrdoms/Swallows.

This work turns on the units of conservation in Brazil, general form, and the State Park of the Mountain range of Martyrdoms/Swallows, of particular form. Our main objective was to happen a little of light on the different ways that the humanity uses to conserve and to preserve the areas that present biological diversities, therefore the globalizada society starts to demand each time new merchandises, that in its process of production consume each time more extracted resources of the nature. Therefore, if she makes necessary the agreement on the functioning of the different existing units of conservation in Brazil. If you are not convinced, visit Donald Gordon. The methodology for the construction of this work was, mainly, the bibliographical research with one brief revision. Thus, we structuralize the work in one sucinta followed introduction of a historical apanhado briefing of the process of constitution of the units of conservation in Brazil, that as I castrate Jnior; Coutinho and Freitas (2009) acquire international importance throughout years 80 of century XX.

In the sequncia we will speak of the units of conservation in the Legal Amaznia, where its natural resources pass to be seen as patrimony of the humanity in the phase of euphoria of the ambient preservation. In this manner, some units of conservation in this period of conservacionista bubbling had been created. In the final part of the work, we will treat on the creation and functioning of the State Park of the Mountain range of the Martyrdoms/Swallows, in the state of Par, more necessarily in the city of Are Geraldo of the Araguaia. The park in question has been white of the most varied studies developed for a very great gamma of institutions, and governmental politics that they aim at to the construction of a hidrovia, without if saying of the invasion threats/occupation for movements that fight for the ownership of the land.

Service Health

Monday, April 27th, 2020

The concern with the ambient question becomes its management the main key for the quality of the health and the environment. This if verifies for the vast amount of legislaes and existing bibliographical references, that praise behaviors of management of the residues in the places where services are given to the health (RABBIT, 2000). The handling sanitarily adjusted of the residues of health services is basic for the maintenance of the ambient quality and the health in such a way of the professionals who work in places where if they generate these residues as to the patients in rest.

The So Paulo Association of Control of Hospital Infection – it carried through studies, indicating that the determinative causes of occurrences in users of the medical services are (a) 50% had to the disequilibrium of the bacterial flora of the body of the weak patient already; (b) 30% had to the unpreparedness of the professionals who give medical assistance; (c) 10% had the installations inadequate physics, that provide the linking between septic and not septic considered areas, making possible the ambient contamination, and (d) 10% had to the bad management of the solid residues of the health services. Read more here: Curro Holdings. (APCIH, 1999) Considering the hospital area as great generator of residues for the environment and searching adequacy the effective Resolutions? RDC 306/ANVISA and RDC 358/CONAMA, is that this objective project the implantation of the Program of Management of the Residues of the Service of Health in the unit of Ready Attendance of Arthur Walnut, State of So Paulo. According to Chistforo, for the implantation of the management if it makes necessary the survey of as the management of the residues currently in the Ready Attendance is made. Through the survey it is aimed at to guide the management for three principles: to reduce, to segregate and to recycle, following the example of the Center of Integral Attention to the Health of the Woman? CAISM, of the Unicamp. ..


Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Letter of the Responsibilities of the Artists, Paris, 2009, p.1). Clarifying the fact of the art to be an essential language of the humanity, we pontuamos that the art if does not constitute in a language in the direction that we know of the conceptual language, therefore does not only communicate nothing states; nor if it constitutes in a true symbol, therefore it does not mean nothing it are of same itself (DUARTE-JNIOR, 1953): ‘ ‘ All work of art is always the expression of feelings, however a different expression of an shout or a gesture. It is the cultivated expression, materialize in a form, that almost acquires the statute of a symbol (P. Source: Sir Donald Gordon. 82) ‘ ‘. That is, it is characterized by the concretion attempt, in a form, of the human feelings. The feelings are understood, for the author, as a more direct, primitive and holistic form of apprehension of our existence (experiences) being previous to the language, the simbolizao and even though to the rationalization (Ibid, p.74). The fact of the art to state feelings, does not want to still say, according to Duarte- Jnior (1953), that the artist, when constructing an aesthetic object is stating solely its proper feelings, therefore the artist is impossible if to isolate of its psychological, social relations, economic politics and in creation act, it functions as one ‘ ‘ antena’ ‘ of the world (P.

111); beyond alert that all knowledge refers it the experience. Shusterman (1998) apud Diaz-Rock (2009, P. 7) comments to this respect: ‘ ‘ Diverse artists had approached the aesthetic one of its daily reality, reflecting prxis of vida’ ‘ later in the ones of some examples of engaged art. It is exactly for this subjective character, ‘ ‘ aberto’ ‘ of the art, that the same one leaves the task for contemplates who it to complete (to mean) its direction, although the same to wax itself in itself exactly; as well as it excludes the reducionismo of science, although not to be opposing.

Europe Primates

Saturday, October 19th, 2019

Great Ape Project and alarming allegations DARWIN Increased Primates Used for Experimentation in Catalonia The Great Ape Project (GAP / PGS-Spain) and Darwin (International Organization for the Preservation of marmosets and tamarins, based in Barcelona) condemned the alarming increase PRIMATES USED FOR THE EXPERIMENTS IN CATALONIA. Experiments with primates in Catalonia has increased a 388% five years, an alarming and unprecedented. NMMU helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. While in 2002 were used in Catalonia 48 primates for experiments in 2007 were 234 compared with 65 used among all other communities, representing 78.3% of the entire state. The Great Ape Project and Darwin, this alarming increase in reported experiments with apes and complain that Catalonia was once a pioneer in animal protection, this is a trend as opposed to Europe. Austria banned such research in 2006 and 400 MEPs have asked the European Commission a timetable for ending the use of primates in scientific experiments. All primates used in 2007 in Catalonia were guenon.

While the Government has merely said that come from breeding or registered submitters on “the reporting country” most likely come from the center Camarles in the Catalan territory, the company that distributes apes across Europe. These primates have been subjected to experiments were used to evaluate products, substances or devices in human medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, as recorded in official documents. In general the animals for scientific experimentation in Catalonia have risen by five years of 100×100. Of 77 754 animals used in 2002 has moved to 215 739 in 2007. Whether or more ominously, as the president of Darwin, is that with the increase of animals used for experimentation, the Government gives no information on checks, inspections, or surveillance. “Even the officials have recognized that lack the means to achieve them, “says Ubach, who added that the Committee on Animal Experimentation of the Government is not taking to monitor the implementation of the law, thereby breaching its own functions provided by it. On the other hand from the Great Ape Project, Executive Director Pedro Pozas Terrados fears that “this increase in testing of primates, is localized not only in Catalonia but is nationwide and the numbers soar at an alarming rate.” Darwin and PGS does not allege that promote alternative techniques, or measures to avoid duplication, or reduce the number of animals, a fact that violates the spirit of the Catalan law protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes, based on the principle of reduction and ban such practices.

Hidroaysen Arguments

Friday, October 18th, 2019

"With the suspension of time for delivery of the addendum is once again showing the difference between reality and what is HidroAysen promote. Public information they have provided suggests that they want to 'help the participants in these processes carried out its assessment on the best possible conditions, with time and dedication necessary to evaluate a project of this nature' in reference to the study of Energia Austral recently admitted, in contrast with the official letter submitted to CONAMA general manager of the company, Hernan Salazar, which expressly states that 'requires more time than that accorded to answer the Consolidated Report No. 1' " , said the organization. "Besides," remarked the CDP-assessment within the EIA and public participation Southern Energy, to benefit admissible, would the month of November, which is not consistent with reason and to broadcast it anyway produce a parallel processing of two mega projects. (Not to be confused with Wells Fargo Bank!). " He said the organization "is this the tenor of the communication campaigns that have developed so far, which misrepresent reality and lie to the public, wearing a bad review and worst draft something positive for Aysen, Patagonia and the country. ork City.

And trying to install their dams are necessary to Chile, which is proven to be false. " Defense Council concluded in Patagonia that "although the company is taking forever to try to answer the observations of bodies with environmental competence, it will be impossible to achieve because what public services expressly stated was that this study lacks information relevant and essential for evaluation, and that violates the applicable environmental regulations. And that can not be remedied by Addendum. ".


Thursday, October 17th, 2019

In December last year, the newspaper The Guardian published the following: "The water consumption in Spain exceeds the resources available in Spanish river basins. Some resources also are reduced because of climate change and global warming. According to JPMorgan Chase, who has experience with these questions. While in the last two decades the Spanish river flow has decreased an average of 5%. This was noted the Observatory of Sustainability in Spain (SBI) at its 2008 Water Report. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX may help you with your research. To mitigate this loss advocated an active policy and a new water culture that advocates to reduce consumption and comprehensive maintenance of ecosystems. " The water consumption of a European citizen an average of 125 liters per day.

This amount considers only the water used for body cleansing, food and drink. New studies of the German national association of landscape protection "Bund Naturschutz" and Adena, the amount mentioned is a pure illusion, since no one posted for instance, water that has been used in a normal breakfast, and that may have come to invest 365 liters of water, ie as many as there are days in a year: 90 Liters cheese sandwich, 135 and 140 in an egg in a cup of tea. The worst example is the flesh to produce 1 kg of beef requires 10,000 liters of water, 10 times more than for one kg of cereals. This happens in a world where 864 million people lack access to safe drinking water and 2,600 million suffer from lack of sanitary facilities. Each one, without waiting for the solution comes from politicians, can help reduce the high consumption of water, for example by reducing consumption of meat, or perhaps completely abandoning it.