Afghanistan Arms

The arms require spirit like the letters. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra The smaller doubt does not fit, than there is a great business in the planet Earth, especially in the countries that integrate in relation to the purchase and sale of arms, everything following the consumer, that can be a government, a group of guerrillas, armed groups. One says that the commerce of light arms in the black market is considered between 2,000 and 10,000 million dollars the important thing it is that there are countries that are great manufacturers, like the one of Russia who are considered one of strongest in this planet, is possible to be bought the arms by legal means, fulfilling itself the requirements that are demanded for their sale, despite are other illegal means to acquire them, as the case that concerns the one to us of Durra (Afghanistan), that it indicates as it is the greater illegal market of arms of the world. It is a place in which so many arms exist that could be armed to a whole army, and where the ammunition are offered by millares from carpets tended on sidewalks, as if they were spices in a conventional market of east. Durra – also well-known like Durrah or in its version of the language urdu, more popular in the West, as Darra-it is the considered place most dangerous nowadays, to sell armament and the ammunition of high power as if the war has been for always a repetitive cycle or excellent fact in the power until for years was you constructed from the metal of the destroyed Soviet tanks during the invasion from the USSR to Afghanistan in years 80. Besides the artisan arms, many talked back from the arms left by the Soviets, can be obtained old European arms as as much modern. A place which it is only possible to be entered if it is known suitable people, since, and with reason, nowadays it is considered like one of the most dangerous places of the world. .

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