Brazilian Company
According to text, agricultural development in areas of donordeste state intervention: the case of the project of irrigation low Au, the relation with the company dDel mount with the families of the searched area, is friendly, therefore from there otrabalho depends on the majority of the population of entorno, at a first moment, analyzes it to dandocontinuidade of epistemolgica form verifies adescaracterizao of the population and its territory, thus also as adegradao of the environment such as: burnt and deforestation etc. the agriculture practised in the past one is distinct in the eprodutivo territorial aspect since in its origin the production age of familiar agriculturists and nosegundo moment agriculture belongs to the agronegocio and the production is voltadapara the external market with tip technology, remembering the fordismo meiousado for the Del the mount in the production of bananas. The formation of some of its employees is deriving of producing countries edetentor of the production of the technology for production of banana in wide it scales, case of the Costa Rica where Reinaldo agronomist was to complete its formation for seradmitido in the company as well as the David so that both are apt to produode banana in the half-barren Brazilian northeastern. In the busy space for the agronegocio the Del mount occupies 1050 ha. although useapenas 950 ha. in the culture of bananas, confirming what it says ‘ HISSES; ‘ the espaoanteriormente used one for the small agriculturists with evoltado diversity of production, over all toward the domestic market, now is come back toward the monoculturaexportadora bringing in its bulge price increasing of the products of the sixth basic one, the consequence of this monocultor investment also becomes to feel numbers in it of empregadosutilizados’ ‘.