
As thou hast made us know we were the reason for your life, we arrived at the home to fill with joy, initially with the weeping of the newborn: jojoticas, fragile, fragrant to the purity of the skin tender, being the admiration of friends and strangers for enormous similar between those two small beings, whose movements were possible for those little bodies to unite as a magnet to your iron and became a whole peace that emanated, peace of mind and aroused the greatest tenderness that human being any had experienced. We were growing up with two brothers, under your protection, accompanying you in your games crazy weekend, celebrating each thing that we did, teaching us, making us part of your experiences. You were there at the first communion, in every act of the College, where you presenciaste the marriage of an Ant (personified by one of us) with her Prince charming, you felt proud! We talked of your past: which inter alia you surf in offshore, we were saying that each fish had his name and his charm, than that sea that housed many species was food supplier, is auto flushing and a sailor was part of his life that passed between that world that gave him multiple opportunities and inevitable nostalgia by loved ones who were on the Mainland.For strategic reasons of your work we had separate since ibas in search of the daily sustenance as you yourself said – but this distancing barely noticed it because I took care of pamper us, make you feel from a distance. Way that this particular situation was of great strength to unite those ties of worship, was a golden opportunity for we knew that we had with you no matter how far you will find.Arrival stage of the professional studies always enrumbaste us on the path of learning, the pursuit of perfection, of professionalization that became proud of you experienced: that your two shoots were professionals who valieran if same, without economic dependence of Nobody and delivering the most whether for own and collective well-being.

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