
The price is forgotten, the quality remains. Proverb French introduction is necessary, that modern management this fully identified with what represents the scope, implications that derive from having a good quality culture, where all your staff is fully identified with her and give step to develop products with guarantee of all attributes that the quality holds, with good quality of customer servicesas well as having a process management that ensures a good productivity to meet demand occurring in the current dynamic, competitive marketing scenarios. General information, business considerations in the here and the now concerning his involvement in pro not only kept cattle markets, but in what it intends to conquer, should pay close attention to quality, to all national and international regulations, what it involves, on-demand, generates, its competitive advantages and all those aspects to be taken into account for ensure the products offered, its attributes, its services, to meet the needs that consumers demand and achieve outcomes that reach planned goals within the scenarios where it participates. To do this, management must give way to a culture of quality, where East involved all its human resource, providing training, training, benefits, impacts resulting from a good quality. Therefore, it is necessary within the new organizational culture with the support of a good quality culture, with well-defined policies of this one, which as discussed, defining expected by employees; as well as the products or services that are provided to customers. This policy requires the commitment of all members of the organization. The quality policy must be drafted with the purpose that can be applied to any employee activities, also may apply to the quality of the products or services offered by the company. Also as Arturo Clery, says basic clearly establish quality standards, and thus cover all aspects related to the quality system. And their integration into a good management of processes. Since then, to give effect to the implementation of this policy, it is necessary that employees have the knowledge required to meet the demands of customers, and in this way achieve offer excellent products or services that may meet or exceed expectations.

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