
I believe that everybody knows that already long time coming by implementing special rockets in order to clean the sky of clouds, i.e. so that the sky will be clear. Particularly, in Russia this means of struggle against the clouds is used the day that held some remarkable party. But as for rockets against hail in any event I’ve learned only now. Even in 1981 in the Valley of Alazani, Georgia, was created an anti-hail service. The hailstorms can ruin a crop of grapes.

In addition, vineyards affected by hail pay very little for several years if they generally survive. Plantations of cotton, sunflower, tobacco, oilseed crops and melons are also vulnerable to hailstones. How is the aforementioned service worked? Against hail clouds threw rockets covering by exploiting them with tiny particles of silver iodide. Hailstones grow stopped and precipitating cloud, is derritian in the warm air. Instead of the deadly hail, the ground fell the refreshing rain. The operating principle was extremely simple, but costly. Therefore, scientists looked for the cheapest elements capable of replacing silver iodide. That time, service anti-hail claimed a broad development in our country and only in Georgia protected 670 thousand hectares of cultivated fields.

From April to July 1981, over this territory passed 40 especially dangerous clouds as the specialists would qualify them. Thanks to the rockets, most of them, rather than hail, reported a nice rain. The Soviet rockets of type Oblako and Alazani protected the vineyards of Bulgaria and Hungary. Also began to use them in Yugoslavia. Scientists from France, Italy and Switzerland had acquired these Soviet computers and unifying their efforts, carried out the five-year experiment of fight against hail.

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