Miss Taylor
Thursday, January 16th, 2014The format of the practice involves decisions on whether, for example, work for a company, or put our own business. And our profession and / or selection seems to define us forever, as if destiny. A new format is taking hold is the second, third or fourth race. People now live longer and have to face the obsoletizacion and / or boredom of the traditional format. Building a family is also subject to formats. You marry or not, have or not have children, you break up or you get divorced, live alone or with someone. When someone dares to rethink the prevailing formats often shocking, as did Elizabeth Taylor when asked for years if married eight times he did not immoral (translation: do not realize that confuses us Miss Taylor, who broke the format , how dare?).
And she answered stoically than at home taught him that the truly immoral was to be married to someone who did not love. The free spirit of someone out there may be thinking that the formats are not for her, that are limiting and caged creative energy. The paradox is that even a non-format is a format itself, and like everything, there are advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the formats would be: 1 .- To give you a sense of direction, serenity 2 .-, 3 .- establish rules and procedures, 4.-provide a vehicle belonging, 5 .- illustrate a life plan and 6 .- minimize the amount of energy adaptive. Disadvantages: 1 .- limits your horizon, it makes you conformist 2 .-, 3 .- inhibits creativity, fosters borreguismo 4 .- 5 .- reduced life choices and, 6 .- you away from the generation process energy.
So, one might conclude that if in the end of the aberration of the formats and chronic rebellion, the option could be to grant, to seek and adopt some formats. If in the end of the obsession with the formats and chronic boredom, the option might be to break some formats pit. Our essence jacket leads to a constant exercise of search, conquest and exploration of formats. As a recurring cycle that begins and ends only to renew and move to the new and exciting. Perhaps most important is the ability to tolerate ambiguity, contradiction, complexity, and all that finally makes us human