Archive for February, 2018

The Citizen

Friday, February 9th, 2018

The force that, at the moment, it orders extracts its power of a process of which it is not the starting point but, yes, the more or less transitory result and that, as such, process, involve the combat of some souls that they cohabit our organism. To understand the citizen as multiplicity means therefore explodiz it and to exhaust it in one without number of fragmentos, each one of which is possessing of a will of being able on the remain, is inhabited by a dominador impulse, that it looks to place it in the center or axle of gravity of a moving mass of forces, that tries, when thought, the notion of I and the idea of individuality. First, the feelings, passions, impulses, forces and affection that dispute the priority on our body, forming it, constitute a more or less steady conglomerate.

After that, they are become, under external pressure, in certain more or less permanent disposals, that try the sprouting of the conscience, necessarily collective, and, thus, of the personages with whom we represent or we live our intramundana existence (GC, P. 252-255) Hegel (Probable justification) Each individual also is son of a people in a phase of its development. The person cannot pass over the spirit of its people, as well as cannot to pass over the land. The land is the gravity center, only if it can imagine that a body that leaves this center goes to blow up in air. Thus it happens with the individual. Through its effort it could only be in harmony with its substance, must bring the will demanded for its people for its proper conscience, for joint. To know more about this subject visit Simplex Bitcoin Reviews. The individual does not create its content, it is what it is, expressing in such a way the universal content how much its proper content.

Customs Hotel

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

Top hotel: crackdown on Munich luxury hotels fines come first, five-star hotels were now imposed fines for dumping wages in the Roomkeeping. The main customs office in the Bavarian capital has instituted against several Munich hotels fine proceedings and issued the first rulings.” The trade magazine reported this top hotel”in its online edition. Background is a roundup of financial control moonlighting”in several top hotels in Munich at the end of last October. At that time, the Customs investigators went remarks that the cleaning company power clean building cleaning GmbH should have paid their employees far below the legal minimum wage of 8.15 euros per hour. According to the trade union IG Bau chambermaids who regularly worked in large five-star hotels, are receive an hourly wage of just five euros.

There was also evidence that several hotel companies their cleaning company so badly to have paid, that they could not properly reward the maid. Simplex Reviews takes a slightly different approach. Rene Macdonald by the Hauptzollamt Munchen pointed out that the penalty proceedings are not public. The penalties for the hotels can be between 10,000 and 30,000 euros. The rulings are not legally binding. Top hotel is the renowned journal for the hotel management in Germany. The magazine appears Landsberg, which is under the LPV food practice Verlag Neuwied GmbH and thus is embedded in the global media conglomerate Georg von Holtzbrinck ten times a year in the leisure-Verlag. More information: for more information: Thomas Karsch, karsch top hotel de top hotel leisure publishing Landsberg GmbH 7 Celsius, 86899 Landsberg am Lech Tel. + 49 (0) 8191 947 160, fax + 49 (0) 8191 947 1666 press service: Carsten Hennig mobile + 49 (0) 160 958 377 56 ch news-good com keywords: hotels, five-star hotel, luxury hotel, dumping salary, Maid, room cleaning, Roomkeeping, fine, main customs office, financial control illegal, Munich press release for download:…