Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Unexplained bowel problems most common diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is no unknown form of intestinal suffering, for more than 100 years, the disease is known, but yet the causes are resolved not been. We know with certainty to say that no organic disturbances, rather it is an irritated bowel function. Sufferers usually complain of bloating, cramping abdominal pain before and during bowel movements. Also the frequency of the outlets to determine the daily routine of the victims. Travel, driving a car or just around the corner to buy is only possible if previously the knowledge exists, where the nearest toilet facility is located. Frequently VP – Corporate Planning has said that publicly.

The radius of mobility is therefore severely limited, because those affected do not like to go to unknown places. Trigger of this mysterious disease are often psychological stress such as anxiety, panic attacks or stress. Especially the everyday life stress at school, at work or even in the leisure can bring the intestines out of balance. The today’s society is a performance-oriented society, it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with the daily tasks. “The saying: beaten on the stomach”, is truth and reflect the actual sense of the irritable bowel patients.

Are about one hundred trillion bacteria in the human gut, they support not only digestion, but assume important tasks relating to the immune system. Possible causes for disorders of the intestinal flora are taking antibiotics, surgery or malnutrition, infections. The microbes, Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are responsible for the preservation of the sour climate in the intestine, they act against Putrefactive bacteria, salmonella and other pathogens. People with irritable bowel syndrome often have a smaller number of these healthy bacteria. Helpful to the page to stand the intestinal must be found out first of all, what food and stress situations trigger the symptoms. With the help of a diary, what should be done about 4-8 weeks, everything will be exactly documented and subsequently analyzed. But in advance, you can have some predictions: many irritable bowel patients eat fiber and Kingdom of carbohydrate (sugar) in conjunction with much fat, the intestine can this great tons of cereals, legumes, pasta, rice, potatoes, French fries, pizza and cake, some biscuits and other various sweet foods are not healthy Digest. Caution is also in wholegrain products: contain many fiber and also forming gases in the stomach, because carbohydrates are already converted in the mouth, use of the amylase in sugars and later ferment in the gut, with the well-known consequences. However a few small kitchen tricks help against intestinal: when cooking or critical vegetables should cook with Cumin or fennel are seasoned, they relieve flatulence. Are also recommended for the bloated belly, the Teas: Chamomile, fennel and peppermint. To relieve the intestinal tract, there is a change of diet to low-carbohydrate diet / low carb. This is not to complete abandonment of carbohydrate, it matters much more, to make the right choice of carbohydrates. Irritable bowel patients should also try to change the habits, to avoid stress remains in many cases on the track, but to compensate for it by sporting activity is a possibility. The author Bajwa got their sustained over years intestinal problems in the handle with a changeover to low-carbohydrate diet and exercise. Various books by the author have appeared on the subject of intestinal and diet: “My friendly kitchen” is a cooking and baking book for the delicate and sensitive intestines. unsustainable conditions”is their own experience report and Advisor. “International low carb-cuisine” was as e-book published and 30 recipes are available to choose from.

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