Alexey Lukyanov

High priority is highlighted in red in your mailbox employer, that will certainly increase your chances that your resume will be seen. Send your resume before the start of the workday. Virtually every employee starts working day and see your mailbox recruiter is no exception. By sending your resume at the beginning of the day, you’ll be entered summary naverku list, and hence the probability of viewing your resume is much higher compared to a person, send resume evening. Step 7: Within one to three business days please call the employer and indicate whether your resume is reached. You can say something like: ‘Hello, my name is Alexey Lukyanov! I am sending the resume for the position Director department. I’m very interested in this position and want to make sure that the resume has got to destination and arrange to meet in the near future ….

” So call you make sure your resume is reached and once again pay attention to the recruiter on his resume. And even if you are already in the list for an interview, then such activity will only confirm your interest in getting this particular job. And employers love it. But such calls have to do with training. You may ask clarifying questions on compliance with the formal requirements of the vacancy. So before you call to print the text of the vacancy and your resume. Be prepared to respond adequately and competently. If the answers are clear, competent, confident, then most likely you will be invited for an interview immediately.

Step 8 At the end of last message you do not forget to thank your buddy for taking the time to clarify and further steps to Review your candidacy. Thus, using all these 8 steps you get a 100% response on your resume. Maybe you feel it is somewhat complicated. But it is better to spend a couple hours of time to prepare a summary for one company in which you want to work than to send a summary of the same content in dozens of companies, hoping that somehow someone did call. Besides having done it several times – you’ll spend on it is not more than an hour. Naturally the first time you can not succeed. So if you really want to learn how to create personalized resume, writing a cover letter, send it correctly, then sign up my free video course – How to increase the number of responses to your resume 10 times -. Methods and principles in this course plus the algorithm will allow you to get a response at your resume it from the company for which you most want to work. And it is already more than half of your ultimate success, that is employment. In this video I will finish this.

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