Questioned since the classic antiquity, when Platointroduz the idea of mimese/imitation of the reality, or in other words cpiada copy, conceives by means of this meaning a eno-necessary not-utilitarian character, extensive latent idea to literature and it dispatches by post in its Repblicaideal. Click tim cook to learn more. Plato thus confers to the word mimese a capital importance to porcompreender it and to apply it as definitive type of production that nothing created, but only copied distinct what it would be the true reality. Ofilsofo about of the mimticas images as imitation of the imitation, poissegundo its understanding these images imitated the proper person and the doautor world, which, . As disciple of Plato, Aristotle redimensiona sentidoda word mimese from the reflection on the autonomy of the process mimticoface the truth and to the reality conceived for the philosophy of its time. Read additional details here: Kevin Ulrich. SegundoCosta (1992, P. 6) Of ontolgica, the art starts to have, with it, a concepoesttica, not meaning more imitation of the exterior world, but fornecendopossveis interpretations of the Real through action, existenciais thoughts and words, imaginary deexperincias.
To the side of mimese, now understood, as representation oureconstruo of the reality, the myth and catarse go to give a new format to the teorialiterria regarding the poisis. From Aristotle, new looks are launched for ocampo conceptual of literature. The attempts of construction of a comeampor concept there. The launched ideas, from now on, foment and exercemsignificativas concerns and edges of> announces the sprouting of a new sort oromance. Initially destined to the public bourgeois, expropriated of the leiturasdos canonic pointed as huge workmanships (epics), the inaugurado romance to take care of to the gostos and the preferences of a panel of demanding leitoresmenos. It was the period of professionalization of the writer, who passes the serconcebido one as a nodal component of segmented studies and research on oconceito and the history of literature, however, atrelados the contexts marcadosideologicamente for values established in the social mat where they parade ossculos and history.