Controlled Slope Erosion
In interventions aimed at controlling the erosion of slopes are often contemplate the incorporation of vegetation, when the site lacks vegetable green or when existing vegetation does not possess the characteristics necessary to face the environment by stopping erosion. They try to establish plant species native or adapted to the environment where the intervention of erosion control is performed, in order to extend the durability of the vegetal cover. When the stabilization of slopes is part of a civil engineering project, the application of techniques to curb erosion usually framed in contract execution dates and deadlines and do not always allow complete biological processes planned for the adaptation of vegetation to the environment and the effective fulfilment of its role in the erosion control. Slopes and its protection against erosion for a slope protection against erosion, the combination of vegetation with synthetic geomantas constitutes an optimal solution, with extensive practical application. Its implementation depends on the verticality of the slope, its extension and the space available for work. Vegetalizados slope erosion control include the implementation of a synthetic coating vegetalizable: 1) the installation of a geomanta that offers a broad and immediate coverage of soil and an optimal reinforcement to the vegetation.
The geomanta has the necessary strength to be anchored to the ravine slope, or durability in accordance with the intervention, thanks to the stabilization to the UV rays of its polymer using specific additives. (2) The planting of plant species allows you to generate a favourable for its implantation field, incorporated seeds along with fertilizers, adhesives, retaining moisture and mulche (leaf litter, stubble), saving the physical difficulty representing the height and verticality of the ravine. The vegetation developing on the geomanta makes the roots of the vegetables that grow setpoints with the blanket and set the batter for the purposes prevent erosion. This coverage adheres to the ground of the slope and protects it, as well as containing the seeds of the vegetation and creates an environment favourable for germination this solution seeks from the moment of its application to the slope you were protected from erosion and had a pleasant and environmentally integrated appearance to the environment through the vegetation that develops on her.