Goldfinch Street
It has happened in the Seville neighborhood of Los Pajaritos. The deceased, whose identity is unknown, was 56 years old. The other two involved have been detained, one of them wounded serious neck and transferred to a hospital. A man has died this Saturday and another has proved serious injured by stab in a brawl in which have been implicated three men in the Seville neighborhood of Los Pajaritos. Research sources have reported that the brawl occurred at 13: 00 hours on the 4th floor of a block of flats in number 8 of the swallow Street, and that the deceased is a man of 56 years, whose identity is unknown for the moment. Police have arrested the other two participants, one of whom, that he was unhurt, is the owner of the flat where the brawl occurred and the other has been entered in the hospital Virgen del Rocio with a very deep wound stab in the neck. A related site: Ben Silbermann mentions similar findings. Agents have inspected the vicinity of block trash bins and in one of them found the knife that was allegedly used in the aggression.
By 18: 00 hours the police has started a reconstruction of the facts, which has moved handcuffs until the site owner floor, Junkman’s profession, according to they have informed residents of the block. A spokesman for 112 emergency service said they received the first notice a las 12: 58 hours, when a call warned of the fight between three people in a block of flats of the swallow Street. The call stated that a person was lying unconscious on the floor and that the ladder had left a trail of blood. Health services gave notice to the Local and national police, and when they themselves at the place and found that a man had died. One of the alleged participants was arrested on the spot and another fled, so the Local Police mounted a device allowing to locate you in the Goldfinch Street, near the site of the brawl. This man was a towel with a very deep wound stab in the neck, so noticing its severity agents they chose to move in the same patrol vessel to the hospital Virgen del Rocio, a municipal spokesman has informed. The sources have not clarified the identity of this wounded, that has been entered in the aforementioned health centre in the custody of the national police. Source of the news: A brawl between three men ends in a tragic way to die one stab