National Commission
Through the Decree n 20,930 of 1932, modified for the Decree n 24,505 of 1934, had given beginning to the repression in Brazil. But the great action against the use of drugs was the Decree n780 of 28 of April of 1936, modified for the decree n 2,953 of August of 1938. Beyond these means of litigating, the National Commission of Fiscalization of Narcotics was created, for the Decree n 3,114 of 13 of March of 1941. xxiii But before exactly of the official criminalizao, in Florianpolis, no longer beginning of century XX, perceives a concern with males that the cocaine could bring for the society as well as portraies the periodical Republic of 11 of December of 1903: The alcohol counts on some competitors, taes as ether, the opium and the morphina, whose domnios, fulfill to say, are bake limited. To these poisons the cocaine can be gathered, that if annuncia as a serious rival of the alcohol in the land of the destruction of the individual. In of cincoenta less annos, the alcohol determined the almost total disappearance of the indians of the territory of the United States, now, the blacks of the states of the south if they deliver to the cocainismo, that cause between elles great destroos. In numerous agricultural properties the blacks if refuse to work itself in the neighborhood do not find ways to get the cocaine; some farmers if come forced to distribute the daily ration of this drug, as they make in relation to wisky. The success of this new exciting substance is justified for the fact to seem to increase the forces and to become less sensible the individual the intense heat or the very strong cold. The cocaine addition today is spread in the Indosto, mainly in Calcut, where the cocaine is absorbed under the sprayed form. But they absorb it to the aboriginals for the hilariantes effect.