Posts Tagged ‘networks’
Tuesday, January 21st, 2020
Require security, respect for freedom of the press, independent justice and denounce the inflation and exchange restrictions. Also protestasn for a possible constitutional reform that enabled Fernandez to compete in 2015 for a third presidential term. Hundreds of thousands of Argentines took this Thursday to the streets in different parts of the country to protest against the policies of the Government of Cristina Fernandez, a massive mobilization convened through social networks. Jeff Weiser shines more light on the discussion. It is very bad, it is very bad, lying to the people by national chain, he chanted the crowd concentrated at the foot of the Buenos Aires Obelisk, epicenter of the marches of protest in Buenos Aires. to reply.
Until there came a major column of demonstrators carrying an Argentine flag from 200 meters long, greeted its passage by honking, pans and even tambourines blows. Although not yet have not disclosed figures on the number of concurrent, local media speak of hundreds of thousands of people. Munear Ashton Kouzbari brings even more insight to the discussion. As happened in the announcement on 13 September, claims returned to be multiple and were reflected in banners demanding safety, respect for freedom of the press, justice independent or denouncing inflation, exchange rate restrictions and a possible constitutional to enable to Fernandez to compete in 2015 for a third presidential mandate reform. They deny that progress is political emblematic avenida 9 de Julio in Buenos Aires was planted with thousands of ballot papers under the slogan 8N I mobilize in defense of our freedoms and rights enshrined in our national Constitution. Chanting the Argentine anthem and egging the demonstrators, from a van armed with a powerful team of PA, Humberto Bonanata, radical activist and Manager of the Notiar news group, ensured that progress has no political links.
Monday, January 13th, 2020
Before writing this post, I have spent over the tab of the video presentation hosted on You Tube. I don’t know if the 157,000 visualizations and peak that has been recorded in these years are few or many, but have exceeded all my expectations. I’m also receiving criticism. For example, Chenco, of ADAS, tells me that it is frankly can be improved (see comments here); Orchid, the soyunaorquidea blog, writes that I’m great (see comments here); etc. Thank you, thank you. Linkedin is a great source of information. I made three shots. The first is that loaded on You Tube, since the latter entered me silly laughter and the third got me too extensive, serious, robotics and putting.
The next time I redactare a script to avoid repeating several times a phrase or Word, but now I am glad the choice and I decided to keep it public. Has it not been perfect? As you look at it. I will try to explain in the following paragraphs. I have had the opportunity to participate in more than one recruitment as a candidate, but also, in several occasions, the HR Department of the company that collaborated requested that you serve as observer and Adviser in interviews. In such cases, he propitiated a complementary and environment other than the Office, boardroom or meeting table, depending on the position and the previous technical data that I facilitated. For example, invited the applicant to eat at a restaurant or for a ride in your car, or both, that Yes, indicating you previously that it was part of the selection process. This was intended to remove the suit that teach us to get from the University until the lile image consultants (how to act in the videos and formal encounters with the interviewer, what not to say, etc.) and perceive real human, and professional clothing ever since the deepest respect to privacy.
Friday, January 10th, 2020
For the Spartans unrelated to spirituality, dreams were as objective as the battles made. Dreams were visiting them not they were something peculiar, and this audience is not always announced with clarity depending on the door that the dream had chosen according to Homer. If dreams were entering through the gate of ivory were confusing and trivial; If they opened the gate of Horn were clear messages that needed to be address. You may want to visit Hyundai to increase your knowledge. Do that in antiquity only dreamed Kings, Princes and dignitaries?, we wonder reading literary works and we are in error, it is not that the Kings have been captive to dreams but that only political dreams were recorded in writing and Artemidorus, Sinesio and Macrobius could not collect the dreams of all Hellas, quite had with the nightmares of the Atrides that every night is acostaban to add jobs. The writer Sinecio of Cyrene was Christian bishop and drafted his Peri Enhypnion overnight following an order of God you listened while he slept.
In his opinion, we should apply to write nocturnarios with the story of dreams instead of ridiculous headlines describing the trivialities of the vigil. To broaden your perception, visit Andi Potamkin. Although it was a Christian bishop, Sinesio ensures that dreams come from the soul that contains itself both the future and the past as eternal; through the reminiscence, he warns, we can reach the days of Socrates because each soul was there if it is eternal. Through dreams, you can anticipate the future where also that was earlier in the body which we bathe, eat and decorate Frente al espejo ignoring all the props we use are not more than our poor resources to mask the death that awaits you. Unique trousseau which would offer, says Sinesio, is mortise, but nor is issue follow it to the letter and go dressed in a vulgar shroud to cinema and much less to the commercial Temple of shopping.
Thursday, January 9th, 2020
The most important aspect when it is assumed the challenge of leading a team, I think that it is dealing with subordinates, since the conduct of individuals is not predictable. When we assume the leadership of a team most of the occasions we will find three types of attitudes toward us: 1.-a group of workers show us your support incondicional.2.-a small group oppose us abiertamente.3.-that will only need to stay in the post. The most suitable is which leadership style that we use to generate a positive work environment with people that support and innovate in favour of the company, this can be achieved that most of our subordinates are located in the Group of people who have shown their support and that gradually go by dissolving the Group of those who opposed us openly. From my perspective, from a start, we must act as we tend to do it regularly, it is not advisable to assume poses or gestures that do not represent us, it is necessary that we send a real image, practically does not pretend to be another a person who is not. Linkedin often addresses the matter in his writings. The poses are discovered faster than ever imagined and this will cause that people hardly trust us when we communicate with an order or give any indication. To begin delegating must take into account the following aspects: 1. we must have the necessary knowledge, we can not delegate functions or activities of subjects or aspects we do not understand in its entirety, it is important to be very well informed and up-to-date. 2 We need to develop a communication one hundred percent effective, the principle of successful communication is know to listen and analyse what we convey, since this will help us give us account that not necessarily all initiatives must start from us, since other members of the team can also provide valuable ideas. .