ERFURT Marko Sellenriek
Monday, March 4th, 2019The use of LED bulbs reduces not only CO2 emissions, but also the energy savings of up to 90 percent. The EU incandescent ban since 1 Sep 2009. It regulates the gradual replacement of conventional light bulb. First of all no frosted lamps and no light bulbs with more than 75 watts in the trade may be placed. The sale of remaining stock is still possible for the dealer. In four further stages should then all light bulbs will be banned until 2012 and the consumer completely on alternatives have increased to. Consumers are confused what now is a good alternative. Environmentalists warn that energy-saving lamps are a danger to health and the environment.
The proportion of mercury in CFLs is legally limited to 5 mg, cheap imports from China have been identified up to 12 mg. Is an energy-saving lamp to the floor and shatters, spread the toxic fumes and the neurotoxin mercury is stored with insufficient ventilation in the body. Health problems are then pre-programmed. For jobs, energy-saving lamps are also unsuitable because the electro-smog, a distance must be maintained at least 1.5 m. Another disadvantage of energy-saving lamps is that not in the household waste can be disposed of them in the hazardous waste must be.
Many traders don’t even take back defective bulbs. LED bulbs are a genuine alternative, they deliver the same brightness as conventional incandescent lamps, consume but more than one-tenth of the energy. The service life of incandescent lamps amounted to 1000 hours, convincing energy-saving lamp with up to 40000 hours 8000 hours and the LED lights and the so far with a power consumption depending on the run from 1 to 5 watts. Above all LED bulbs contain no harmful mercury and are easier to recycle. You need no warm-up period and reach their brightness instantly. LED bulbs are extremely robust, have a low energy consumption and little heat. You can save so much not only cost, but they are a milestone in the preservation of our environment. LED bulbs have no UV/IR radiation and do not bleach materials. The company LED bulbs ERFURT offers a variety of LED light sources for the household and for companies. Or ball lamp, candle lamp, pin lamp, recessed spot light bar, there are LED bulbs for almost any version and almost every field of application. A comparison, a light bulb, 60W, spent so far only about 5 W are with LED light sources. In a life of 40000 hours, this is a real win for the consumer and the environment. LED ILLUMINANT ERFURT offers to the consumer also product demonstrations, to show the possibilities for the use of LED light sources. Website: Led bulb you can using a savings calculator calculate the consumption of incandescent and energy saving light bulb compared to LED lamps and order the appropriate LED light sources.