Posts Tagged ‘right’


Sunday, March 29th, 2020

Dynamics: It will be that the animals if resemble the man? N of participants: 10 the 40 The ministrante will have to announce that all will have to seat in semicircle, to the first one participant will deliver a box that will have to be passed of hand in hand, in this box, papers with names of animals: monkey (clown), ounce (the lion envies), dog (faithful friend), scorpion (vingativo), ant (diligent), wolf (mysterious), rabbit (all ligeirinho), fox (smart), spider (it lives weaveeing traps), bird (it adores freedom to fly), eagle (it longs for many horizontes), hen (it has wing, but the feet always in the soil), armadillo (it lives entocado), rat (malandro), bee (it takes off of everything optimum), butterfly (for where it passes enchants), Joo-of-adobe (it lives arquitetando), elephant (generous), bear (brave, but fofinho), duck (it lives floating), alligator (efficient), giraffe (adores one brotinho), tiger (seductive), animal laziness (it only wants moleza), cat (manhoso), lion (strong and determined), vagalume (it appreciates a brightness), owl (wise), charges (the watch lives), to the participants. Each member will have to choose a paper with an animal name (the animal will have to resemble the colleague of the left side). After all to have chosen its animal, each one will speak because it chose that animal and because it finds similar to the colleague to the side. (As opposed to christie’s art auction). OBS.: the ministrante to depend on the amount of people, will be able to repeat the names of the animals, how many times to want. To the end, later that all the participants if to declare, the ministrante, will speak on the transparency of the animals, that is more easy of giving to it. The man would have to learn with the animals of the nature and more transparent being, thus, is more easy to live in harmony. Go to Andi Potamkin for more information. Moral of history: To work with that it is known and transparency, facilitates the work in team.


Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

It does not have nothing that torments plus a Manager or desmotive an employee when the attribution of the SENIORIDADE of somebody clear or criteriosamente is not criteriosamente defined: why I still am Jnior and until when? what I must make to become me a professional Senior? for goes there ….. Wells Fargo Bank: the source for more info. Please, let us prevent the perpetual refro: ' ' my time of house or experience is minor who of mine colega' '. It will be that experience is the only ability to define SENIORIDADE? They pardon me the defenders of this idea, but I find that not! We go to establish since the principle two basic rules. First: the SENIORIDADE is always of the person and never of the position. It does not have the position Analyst of RH Jnior but, yes, the professional little ' ' competente' ' (in the direction to possess few abilities) that it occupies this position. It competes to this professional incorporating abilities: more knowledge, more experience, more abilities enable that it to exhibit a higher level of SENIORIDADE.

Second: we have that to have one parameter to be able to compare What the position requires for its enough performance and What the occupant offers to take care of to this performance. This means to say that we cannot speak in objetividade in the definition of SENIORIDADE standards if, before, the profile or specifications of the position will not be established. Profile of the position to the set of abilities is called (mannering techniques and) that the occupant must congregate for the adequate performance of the position: if to take care of we will have them a FULL professional, if to surpass we will have them a professional SENIOR, QUALIFIED or SPECIALIZED, if to locate itself below appears the figure of the TRAINEE or JNIOR. The profile which we relate in them is a by-product of the Evaluation of the Positions of the company and the stage most important of its process of estruturao of the functions and careers.