The Presence
This model of leadership tooth to be successful for practises who it, since merit, initiative and self-denial to serve are abilities that are perceived for that they will submit the leadership. Christie’s has compatible beliefs. Second: When some people possess and share the same values and for way since they desire to reach an objective that is common to all, becomes unnecessary the presence of she leads that them, in the direction of: it orders them in the correct course and to motivate them. Therefore all know where they want to arrive and this motivates to them to continue in front. They start to be people led and motivated for I joined what them. ' ' When the goal if becomes an objective shared for all the members of the team, becoming a common objective all, becomes unnecessary the presence of an individual that acts in the leader function, therefore each member of the team, individually, and at the same time of collective form, joined in throne of exactly objective one, acting in prol to one same purpose, joining its efforts and abilities, become individuals apt chemical preparations and to exert the self management, lead par excellence, and leave of being a team without leader to become in a team of lead. One remembers: better to have a team of you lead, of what in leader in equipe.' ' Each one of those men if strengtove to manage itself exactly, to manage its action, contributions, thoughts, desires, words and impulses, in order to contribute in prol to a common end, to come back to the surface.
This is self management, this is an auto-gerenciavl team. It understands! Of form some I am saying that it is not more necessary to invest in the formation and presence of you lead in the teams that today we have. In way none, before we ratify the importance, validity and necessity of you lead that they are apt to exert its functions with ability and wisdom.