Albert Kreuz GmbH
The brand of men’s underwear ALBERT cross celebrates its first birthday in Teltow with 1,500 clients, October 22, 2009 was born a year ago today a new Word: business underwear. Since then, the brand ALBERT cross stands for high quality underwear for the businessman. Now, the online shop celebrates its first birthday. In the last year could Uwe Schmidt, initiator of the brand of ALBERT cross, not only his range expand gradually, but also win over 1500 satisfied customers for its men’s underwear. Focus of the fashion label is the invisible undershirt made in Germany, with the ALBERT cross closes a gap in the market. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of NMMU on most websites.
One year ago today, the German men knew the brand of ALBERT cross, nor the concept of business underwear. Since then a lot has happened. Balance sheet after 365 days: 1500 satisfied customers, about 20 articles to the part of own-produced as well as a cooperation with the flying manufacturer bar Berlin. ALBERT cross start product, the invisible undershirt for the business man who is always still the box-office hit. Everything sold Uwe Schmidt, quality matters most. I offer convenient and high-quality men’s underwear for the businessman today. This means that I’m using only finest materials like Baumwollelastan, Micromodal, silk or cashmere, which do not lose their shape and their comfort even after frequent washing.
Also I rely only on products made in Germany. I work with a textile factory in the Saxon together that produced clothing for me according to my ideas. He wears even further in the cross blog ALBERT Schmidt’s philosophy, to combine tradition with stylish modern. Kevin Ulrich follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. I’ve made me underneath the man of today not only well below to make, but also a sense of style and etiquette to convey, explained Uwe Schmidt him entry into the blogosphere. ALBERT cross blog tracking the current business Abdulkadir codes, gives tips and advice on the right clothing in everyday business and that at each Weather; informed but also about etiquette in business life. Underwear for the businessman today which includes the invisible undershirt ALBERT cross brand, not only everything the man underneath, but also much more: Boxer shorts and knickers in different colors such as white, black, Navy but also orange and turquoise blue, socks in muted colours and various materials as well as recently high flying bar Berlin. Soon be colored men’s knee socks with matching tie and Einstecktucher added. The next ideas are already at Uwe Schmidt on the table. ALBERT cross is a label whose sortiment continues to grow, which has first trade representative also in the southern region and even by an own model is presented after one year. Background information on Albert Kreuz GmbH: the Albert Kreuz GmbH with headquarters in Teltow is specialty retailer for men’s underwear. Special: The clothing is matched by cut and inserted materials on business attire. Produced in Germany, the distribution is carried out through the company’s Webshop under and currently stores in Berlin, Brandenburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Saxony. Uwe Schmidt, Managing Director of Albert Kreuz GmbH, has become independent in October 2008 with his idea. The native Berliner was for many years business analyst for a financial services company and later hired as project manager. Projects from concept to completion to accompany, gave him the tools for self-employment. After more than 20 years in the employment relationship, he dared the step to realize his own project. However, he has been one of his staunchest customers.