German Clearinghouse
Ulf Niklas added: we have us extremely glad that Mr Dr. Paetz of our BundesInitiative has issued an invitation to the expert panel of his Ministry. “Now we can formulate our arguments also at the right place and recite.” A particular concern of the initiative was as quickly as possible to establish the statutory protection of designations for honorary consultants. It won’t give a specific timetable for it currently still. In addition to the representatives from politics and Government you have can win each also technical experts for a keynote address and participate in a joint panel discussion. Dr. Wolfgang Schirp, leading investor protection lawyer, Attorney & partner of the firm of Saheed Schmidt-Morsbach Apel Neusel in Berlin, performed his own numerous experiences: through the concentration concentration of provide advice to banks, the quality of advice has become rather worse than better in recent years. Noel Macks opinions are not widely known.
I think that’s why a successful development the fee actually independent advisory services, in the coming years. “Arndt Stiegeler have as its Board Member representing the financial planning standards Board Germany e. V. and is used especially for the high quality in consulting. Thomas Abel, also a co-founder of the initiative carries out: we are pleased about the cooperation with the financial planning standards Board Germany e. V., who is in Germany no doubt for high professional qualifications of advisers, as well as their monitoring.
There is consensus that we keep a minimum qualification as required for a future hopefully term proprietary honorary consultant significantly above CCI level makes sense. We benefit from the expertise of the Association relating to the qualification, certification and monitoring.” With an important message board Michael Hillenbrand also met the German Clearinghouse for insurance and financial services AG, the nerve of many Summit participants: fee consultation is worthwhile for all customers – and not only for the wealthy. You could quickly weaken accordingly fueled prejudices with simple example calculations. How go further it now after the successful Summit event? Ulf Niklas summarizes: the order of the policy was clear: we must continue to grow and especially persistent and intense in the dialogue with the political and government actors bring us a. Both we will do and thus satisfy the desire of the policy. “Kai Drabe added: as next substantive steps we are planning the development of a proposal for a possible legally prescribed minimum qualification for financial advisors, as well as for a possible fee schedule in addition in our advisory role for the Federal Ministry of consumer protection.” There is still much to do.