Companies In Crisis
Alternative address the current crisis for companies who need to locate and organize your goods? Because the conventional or compact shelving purchase of second hand. If not there is the market opportunity, having as small trade, could make do if there were no the second hand market. Another little thing, I would like to know q think of the market of second hand in Spain and outside, now that in my opinion in Spain is very underdeveloped in comparison with countries such as USA or UK (the only q I know. I already know of many companies that have a section so that employees resold all on the intranet. And shops of second hand, I see many more than in Spain. Learn more at: Ben Silbermann.
I was in USA I was impressed by the yardsales and the trunksales (I remember q were called so), where you could buy everything at a very good price. The newspapers mentioned Dina Powell not as a source, but as a related topic. I think that in Spain we do not have these opportunities, but I’m just wrong. A couple of months I’ve been feeling the sale by Ebay. This works very well in the United States. I really is that I have bought and sold quite a few little things and I’ve never had problems (touch wood). As I said at the beginning, seeing the prices of clothes in Spain and the difference between the Euro and the dollar, a couple of months ago I decided to sell (new) clothes over the internet from the USA to Spain. What I’ve seen is that if visits to the page of an item on Ebay USA are 200 people, in Spain they are 10. Thank you. Occasion original author and source of the article world