Flower World

Man – this is part of nature and, therefore, fresh flowers and plants are an essential element of our lives. They grow all around us and create a special comfort, help us to live among man-made objects and materials. Flowers – an inexhaustible a source of beauty, inspiration and comfort. We all strive to make your home or garden beautiful, comfortable and modern. With flowers you can with minimal effort and expense to get the maximum result. Flowers have been the subject admiration at all times, whether it is indoor, garden or wild flowers and plants. You will not find exactly the same color, everyone has his own flavor, its own special beauty and form.

Nature did all the flowers looked perfect. Man creates each year thousands of new species of flowers, but none like the flower in the world. Every country, every nation and individual person has his own character – a flower. For example, the image of a lotus flower often found in ancient Egyptian tombs in the form of wreaths or floral tributes dead. The symbol of India is also considered a lotus. Reverent attitude to the lotus in China.

Japan has long been a symbol of cherry country. She admired and revered. The symbol of South Korea is selected chrysanthemum, Pakistan – Cotton Flower, Bangladesh – lily. Hong Kong has chosen his orchid flower, and Thailand for the national flower of yellow acacia honors. National Finland flower fragrant lily of the valley. When choosing flowers as a symbol, people believed that they will save them from harm, and keep their house from evil spirits. Flowers are also the source and the subject of many works of great artists – Claude Monet Pierre – Auguste Renoir, Paul Gauguin. According to the Chinese art of feng shui, if the house is not real flowers, you should at least be artificial. After all, the flowers associated with nature and create a special atmosphere in the room. Flowers not just give to the bouquets, they also can decorate the dress, hair style bride, the groom's suit. Of colors can make a toy, make a picture, make a spectacular song and impress your friends. Flowers are designed to please the eye, raise mood, color our lives special inks. Any bouquet will decorate your house and the house of your loved ones. Without color, life is colorless!

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