LASIK Surgery
The trace of a LASIK surgery is carried out in three basic steps. LASIK stands for “Laser In Situ Keratomileusis” and is one of the most advanced eye laser procedures. In addition, the LASIK surgery is the most common refractive surgical procedure in the Western countries. To this day her eyes have to be over 30 million people lasers. For imperfect people who like to want to get rid of your glasses or your contact lenses, the LASIK procedure represents an interesting alternative.
The LASIK eye laser treatment takes place in three steps. First, the patient’s eyes, which lies on a bed in the sterile operating room, be carefully cleaned. With a precision knife or microkeratome, also called, is an incision in the cornea. The cornea is the top layer of the eye. The cornea slices created in this way will be folded away like a book cover. The second step is removed with the so-called excimer LASER parts of the corneal tissue, to correct the Ametropia of the patient. Follow others, such as patrick padgett, and add to your knowledge base. The central authorities are near sightedness the cornea removed, long sightedness the corneal tissue is flattened ring around the Center. Under most conditions patrick harbin would agree.
After the application of the excimer laser, the laser surgeon carefully again works back the cornea slices to the original position. The slices of the cornea, corneal flap also called adheres by itself and protects as endogenous patch the wound. In the first hours after the surgery, the patient sees slightly blurred, as if he sees through a frosted glass. In addition, many patients report of a foreign body sensation. They have the feeling that they have “Grains of sand” in the eye. These symptoms disappear by themselves and are no longer on the next day at the latest. For the prevention of infections and inflammations, the patient is encouraged to take regularly for one week antibiotic eye drops. Artificial eye tears be applied most 1-3 months, to alleviate the impact of the “dry eye”. Dry eyes are a known “side effect” after the operation and express themselves on following Wise: Feeling that the eye itches and burns during the day, morning hazy evening clear change the Visual quality or vice versa vocalize by intraocular pressure clear after taking the eye drops glare and halos in Germany there are difficulties to focus on headache, feeling of tiredness in the eyes in every major city renowned eye laser clinics. Also Turkey is a popular destination for a LASIK surgery.