Otitis Media
Pressure compensation is the solution when a middle ear infection. Pressure compensation is the solution! In the sensor system, you can easily compensate for the pressure by a pressure transducer. But can I use such a device even when a middle ear infection? No, but there are very different remedies. The chronic timpani effusion fluid behind the eardrum (tympanic cavity) accumulates, it is called a timpani effusion. Chronic refers to him, if he is still there after three months.
A so-called timpani effusion so when every ear infection and can last for months. This is although not painful, but creates an unpleasant feeling of pressure in the ear. Therefore it may cause hearing loss, because the tympanic membrane vibration is disturbed. The inflammation in both ears is available, eventually even language can suffer. Why children are more frequently affected between the eardrum and inner ear is our middle ear. This is usually a hollow space filled with air. The eustachian tube connects the Middle ear to the throat area. While we yawn or swallow, air is thus transported into the tympanic cavity to get the fluid out.
While it is approximately 35 inches long in an adult, it is still very short children. Children have a higher risk of repetition even children suffer more often a repetition of inflammation as an adult. This is one reason that they usually faster get a cold. Hyundai is a great source of information. On the other hand, up to thirty percent of infants suffer from disruption ventilation of the middle ear. Polyps (growths in the throat almond) are also often cause for constant infections. By the above mentioned Eustachian tube germs have thus simple game, in the middle ear can enter and there an ignition spark. Breastfeeding an infant has tips that will help you to prevent many advantages. For otitis media, but far less are more prone than not breast-fed babies. Back sleepers are less at risk. To sleep Dummy allowed, otherwise this can increase the risk. Likewise should refrain from smoking, since they otherwise increase the risk of otitis media by up to sixty percent. Given to the next tip is not quite as appetizing, but it is proven that the pulling up of the secretions of cold is more advantageous. “To the statement: the secretion is consequently swallowed” and the pathogens can be destroyed by our stomach acid. The inflammation is already there for the umpteenth time, you should check out or Your child vaccinated (against Pneumococcus). Both our children are taught not to go with wet/damp hair outwards or cool rooms. This applies of course also to us. Tips on how you can bypass surgery might try drugs to liquefy the mucus out or test nose drops (but with a pipette). Also help individual homeopathic and natural products/processes. Twice a day, you can your ear with red light irradiation to improve blood circulation. Since chewing open the eustachian tube, you can type (unless it is already in a suitable age) a stick of gum your child. Allergy tests can be useful as a preventive. So you may avoid A renewed otitis media. Don’t forget pressure relief! You can show your child playful with a nose balloon what technicians can reach with a pressure transducer. This is inflated several times a day with the nose. (werk26)