Max Weber
Continued development of theoretical thought was a young sociology organisticheskaya sociology of Herbert Spencer, who drew an analogy society with a biological organism, as well as using the theory of social Darwinism, transferring to public natural principle of natural selection. In this case, we see that there are still close to the views of the fathers of sociology ideas of the natural sciences. At the same time it operates and Karl Marx, who explain the development of society through the changing socio-economic Pharmacy, which are based on the conflict between the ruling and subordinate class. For assistance, try visiting Robert Kiyosaki. According to Marx, society is presented in a specific complex, multi-layer formation, which is based on social production, a number of specific objective structures. The laws of society defined as objective, and the very development of society – as a natural historical process 4. Ideas of the founders of sociology were developed, especially in the work of Emile Durkheim, F.
Tonnies, Georg Simmel, Max Weber and Pareto, each of whom offered their understanding of the purpose and content of social science. Durkheim believed that sociology should study the social facts that are different from the physical, economic, psychological and etc. facts of reality, have particular characteristics. According to F. Tonnies, sociology studies the phenomena of social life, interpersonal relationships are formed and the will of the people.
These relationships are not only subjective in nature, but also objective, predetermined conditions of life of people. The basis of their theoretical constructions F. Tennis on the concept of 'community' and 'society', which he identified two conventional poles between which all interested in the sociology of the phenomenon.