
Indeed, today millions of Americans suffer from GERD. If you are not convinced, visit Park Rachel. Those who suffer from GERD, approximately 50% to 90% also have hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia is a condition where there is a protrusion in the stomach located in the diaphragm, the body part that connects the esophagus and stomach. dwell Esselstyn Jr. would likely agree. Those who have a small hiatal hernia don’t know that they really have it since they don’t have symptoms. But most large hiatus hernias can cause food and stomach acid to rise through the esophagus, causing heartburn and chest pain. The symptoms of hiatal hernia if you have hiatal hernia, some of the symptoms that you are experiencing become more severe when you sloped driveways, you twist, you lie or try to load heavy objects. Hiatal hernia symptoms also worsen during pregnancy.

There are also cases (although little frequent) in which the stomach protruding into the thoracic cavity begins to turn or its blood supply is cut off. Either of these cases may cause acute pain in the chest. Also you can cause difficulty swallowing and esophageal can block. There are several medications and measures of self-care that you can use to relieve the symptoms of hiatal hernia, but they work only with respect to minor hiatus hernias. If you have a large hiatal hernia or experience more serious symptoms of the condition (for example, rotation of the protrusion of the stomach or blockage of blood flow), the only way to feel relief is through a hernia surgery. Sliding hiatal hernia sliding hiatal hernia is another type of hiatal hernia where the stomach slips up and down of the hiatus. This type of hernia causes no problems commonly, but aggravates the GERD or acid reflux. The treatment for this type of hernia is similar to the treatment of GERD.

The surgery is performed for severe cases of GERD, as well as those cases in which GERD is complicated or does not respond to appropriate drug doses. The surgical procedure consists in pushing the stomach within the abdomen, collapse the esophageal hiatus and join the diaphragm and the esophagus. Tips to relieve the symptoms of GERDSi experience symptoms of hiatal hernia, be sure to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis. If you also have GERD, below you will find tips to take into account and make sure that this condition is not worsening due your hiatal hernia. Stay away from foods and beverages that can cause irritation of the esophagus. They can be fried and fatty foods, chocolate, pepper, coffee, citrus fruits and their juices, alcoholic beverages and tomato-based products. Stop smoking. Try to lose weight if you are overweight. When you recuestes you, your head should be raised at least 15 cm. wait at least 3 hours after eating for bedtime. Take over-the-counter antacids or special medications. Many people with GERD and hiatal hernia experience symptoms of reflux as a result of the sensitivity to foods. When they consume such foods, it increases the production of stomach acid or stomach can aggravate. If you are sensitive to foods, it is important that you identify these foods to avoid them. For greater security, consult your doctor or nutritionist and seeks help to identify problematic foods.

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