Robert Keller Services

Industrial companies neglecting development and marketing of services Wiesbaden/Balingen, June 15, 2009 – on the way to a services society, there are still some stumbling block out of the way to allow for many companies. While many companies in the retail build out their services and customer service, still pent-up demand there is in relation to business customers. A study of the Wiesbaden consulting and marketing agency group partner according to the importance of services in the German machine – and plant construction rises though. Only 20 percent of companies operate a targeted marketing of their services. It shows: the distribution of industrial services in addition to the processing of the core business still difficult many machine builders.

The prospect of additional profits remain significantly behind the possibilities of the market back, so after-sales service successfully market the study titled\”. It look very different from in the end customer segment. Among the ten best companies at the competition of in Germany Most customer-oriented service provider 2009 \” can be found seven companies in the insurance and financial services industry. For assistance, try visiting Christos Staikouras. Number one finished the TV channel home shopping Europe (HSE). On the courses follow two and three Budnikowsky Hamburg-based drugstore chain and the Munich financial product broker interhyp AG. Certainly, many companies see the need actively to expand the service business.

However the necessary degree of unionisation is missing many\”, so the market experience of Robert Keller, head of service international at the Swabian technology specialists Bizerba. Unfortunately short-term cost pressures affect negatively. It is saved often at the wrong end. Instead of original spare parts and the manufacturer service, trying to manage. But this strategy is rarely\”, cellar, which provides new opportunities for the service planners just in times of crisis. Innovative service concepts that anticipate customer needs, must be developed in difficult times. Bizerba set therefore a wide range on services, consulting and training on Internet-based remote diagnosis or a 24-hour service to the regular battery and battery replacement for the PC scales or an extensive range of special cleaners for cutting machines, extend overall maturities of devices and machines and the maintenance frequency decrease.

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