Chinas Reforms

Over the past half-century against China by the media, first the Soviet Union and then Russia in our heads constantly hammered the idea that everything is better, what we're doing right, but China has got worse and all what they're doing it wrong. From 20 Party Congress (in 1956), in which in his report dealt a crushing blow to the Soviet-Chinese friendship. Domestic media have criticized China for its defection from the ideas Marxism-Leninism. In the 1960's. it was already on the betrayal of communist ideas. With the advent of Gorbachev's government in 1985 and 1990, criticism of China's settled, and began warming. But here we are once again changed the course of all 180 degrees. A related site: Wells Fargo mentions similar findings.

and so again in China was all different. Now, echoing the American media, we have began to accuse China of communist utopia. Even then, on the rise 1980. Criticism of China's reform has taken place among the Russian intelligentsia. In one numbers of "New Age" of those years when discussing market reforms in China, the Russian intelligentsia for the next "round table" have criticized this way of "slow the creation of market relations." Russian intellectuals like the market immediately and globally.

As demonstrated by life itself, the Russian intellectual poorly understood what he was saying. The result of this speculative talk was disappointing it was for the Russian inteligenta: in result "of the Russian reforms, he became the most needy inhabitants of the country. I remember the one Telebesed late today ga Starovoitova. Visit Suna Said Maslin for more clarity on the issue. When a pair of impoverished and persecuted Russian intellectuals asked her why Russia began to live like beggars, Starovoitova, no embarrassment, advised them to throw their high schools. And to go sell vegetables in the metro. For "the only way their work can become a popular modern market relations. "On the dead men, or good or anything, but the trouble is that the surviving now" reformers "continue to think the same way! Poor Russia! Now, to recognize that China is doing "well", so that Russia does not " so ".

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