Shamanism Healing
Powerful encounters with Peru’s most significant shaman Don Agustin Rivas Vasquez holds the highest rank in the Peruvian healer and shaman tradition and directs his Healing Center in the Amazon with great success. There, he realized his vision with passion and integrity. If the master shaman confirmed people to take responsibility for their own health, for many this is the first crucial step to deeper healing, strength and joy. Shamanic vision quest and healing groups who visit him in his healing oasis in Peru, are deeply moved by the strength and devotion with which Don Agustin promotes their healing processes. With humor and lightness, this charismatic healer strengthens confidence in their own potential and self healing. Frequently Andi Owen has said that publicly. Deeply connected with nature and the spiritual forces, Don Agustin uses the plant wealth of the Amazon for its cleansing rituals and healing ceremonies. Click Beyonce for additional related pages.
The master shaman and man Don Agustin when Don Agustin in his deeply convincing people confirmed to take responsibility for their own health, for their unique healing and development processes, then speaks and he is from the combination of a source that gives him immense personal power and clarity. At the same time he returns with open hands what he receives. A large part of his income as a shaman and healer will benefit the people of his privacy. Here, Don Agustin providing valuable assistance to help themselves. So he supports social projects, among other things, he initiated an impressive school with 1,000 pupils and 40 teachers, whose salaries he funded in part even. Group participants who visited him, are touched by the strength and clarity, with the Don Agustin promotes deepest Bewusstwerdungs and healing processes. This is also evident in the documentary film “on the road to the new dimension” by Clemens Kuby, which documented a complete cure of a liver cancer classified by traditional medicine as incurable.
Don Agustin and Dona Marlene again in Germany! After numerous deep Don Agustin and his wife Dona Marlene are touching visit, which provoked many healing processes, mid-June back in Germany. The seminar participants can experience, how closely the search according to the own life vision and deep shamanic healing are linked. The inspiring work of this wonderful shaman opens the doors to inner strength and truth, courage and zest for life. Seminar dates June 19-June 20, 2010 Gummersbach near Cologne June 23-June 24, 2010 Gummersbach near Cologne 26.06.-27.06.2010 crooked end of ICH at Cuxhaven 30.06 01.07.2010 crooked end of ICH at Cuxhaven 03.07. 04.07.2010 Kisslegg im Allgau 06.07.-07.07.2010 Kisslegg im Allgau 10.07. July 11, 2010 Gummersbach near Cologne more information under: