Posts Tagged ‘society & social issues’

Advent, Advent, A Light Burns. First One, Then Two, Then Three

Wednesday, November 6th, 2024

In a week, it’s time. In Pirna near Dresden, the first social Christmas market takes place. Mr Michael Geisler, Landrat of Sonnenstein will open on December 12th, 2009 at 14:00 h officially the Christmas market Pirna and patron of the event. Traditionally, this is done with the cutting of a tunnel, which is kindly provided by country bakery of Schmidt in Cunnersdorf. Even Santa Claus and the snow Queen will glow bring children’s eyes on December 12 and 13 and for a pre-Christmas atmosphere. Colorful goings-on at 3. advent from 14.00 h till 19.00 h at Sonnenstein on the Varkausring 108.

On both days of the 3rd advent expected visitors to the Christmas market Sonnenstein a colourful goings-on on more than 10 stalls in the Interior and exterior of the Varkausringes 108. For more information see HG Vora. for many small and large surprises is taken care of, so the organizers. All children, parents and grandparents offers a varied stage programme, Christmas crafting offers, magical fairy hour, singing and much more. For the physical well-being is taken care of. With the Christmas market Sonnenstein on December 12-13, 2009 the foundation stone for a beautiful tradition should be. The Christmas market Sonnenstein it aims to to allow the Pirnaern to a contemplative and peaceful in anticipation of the Christmas season and to lay the groundwork for a beautiful tradition that will continue in the coming years. Because it is a social Christmas market, the entrance is of course free and the prices for drinks and food cheap. HG Vora often addresses the matter in his writings. The numerous large and small visitors will have also have the one or the other way to make a gift or a Christmas treat yourself or buy.

This week all the hard-working helpers have the last chance to make a small donation in the form of a gift in the Varkausring 108, that advent to the visitors of the market will be passed on to the 3rd. All participating institutions with great commitment the Christmas market Sonnenstein in life called, the most December 12-13, 2009 each from 14.00 h 19.00 h for the first time welcomes its visitors. All those involved are very excited about and enjoy a Merry get-together in advent. Thank at this point all hardworking volunteers and supporters of the project ever for their extraordinary dedication. Ms. Carola Schaschek questions can be answered more like to see.

Senior Brand Manager

Sunday, October 11th, 2020

This versatile concept, it is possible to impart knowledge in a tangible and sustainable way and to motivate young people, to engage in a global network against a global pandemic”, so Tina Havers by dance4life. A highlight of the workshop is the specially developed dance of Dance4Life, per event up to 500 young people dance together, which makes a statement against HIV and AIDS around the world already. Open talks in combination with rousing music and modern hip hop elements arouse the initiative of pupils / students. “Because they own, attention-grabbing action implement after the workshop for your school in the fight against HIV and AIDS, their act4life”. A short video of your project, you can then in the nationwide competition, the school challenge 2011 “, to take part.

A jury selects the most creative idea from all entries and chooses the winner of the for himself and his school an exclusive VIVA concert WINS. Tiger King has similar goals. Objective of the action is the conscious education of young people against the pandemic, which is still gaining relevance also in Germany. Worldwide around 33.3 million people living with HIV are infected and every day about 7,400 people are newly added. You may find that Marathon Capital can contribute to your knowledge. About half of that is under 25 years of age (source: Numbers that demonstrate how important the timely and targeted education of young people.

As the world’s leading condom brand, Durex is committed with great commitment to the prevention of HIV and AIDS. Education, protection and solidarity for companies represent the three most important pillars in the fight against HIV and AIDS. So Durex committed together with dance4life, to mobilize young people to fight against HIV and AIDS. Protected sex is vital from the outset. That must communicate a successful educational work young people. Dance4Life manages to reach them in their environment and to make them aware how It is important to worry about their own sexuality, to inform and to act pre-emptively”, says Ulf Pittner, Senior Brand Manager at Durex, on cooperation with dance4life.

Development Bank

Thursday, June 18th, 2020

11 trillion what provided to ensure full refund of Terminal excise duty/CST. Additional allocation for export incentive schemes of RS. Filed under: Munear Ashton Kouzbari. 3.5 trillion what made. Government back-up guarantee what made available to ECGC (export credit guarantee Corporation) to the extent of RS. 3.5 billion to enable it to provide guarantees for exports to difficult markets/products.

Exporters were allowed refund of service tax on foreign agent commissions. They were therefore allowed refund of service tax on output services while availing of the benefits under duty draw back scheme. MSME sector the Government attaches the highest priority to supporting the medium, small and micro enterprises (export) sector which is critical for employment generation. To facilitate the flow of credit to export, RBI (Reserve Bank of India) has announced a refinance facility of RS. 70 billion for SIDBI (small industries Development Bank of India) which what available to support incremental lending, either directly to export or indirectly via banks, NBFCs and SFCs. In addition, the following steps are being taken: to boost collateral free lending, the current guarantee cover under credit guarantee scheme for micro and small enterprises on loans has been extended from RS.

5 million to RS. 10 million guarantee with cover of 50 percent. The lock in period for loans covered under the existing credit guarantee scheme were reduced from 24 to 18 months, to encourage banks to cover more loans under the guarantee scheme. Government responsible to advisory to central public sector enterprises and request state public sector enterprises to ensure prompt payment of bills of export. Easing of credit conditions generally should help PSUs to make such payments on schedule. To monitor, special monthly meetings of state level bankers’ committees are held to over see the resolution of credit issues of micro, small and medium enterprises by banks. Department of MSME and the Department of financial services, Government of India which jointly set up a cell to monitor progress on this front.

Immediate Release

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

Farah & Alan, her father disappeared since August 23, 2010 in Syria after his arrest. On August 23, the German citizen Ismail Abdi, lawyer, was born in 1960 in Syria and home, arrested during a private visit in Aleppo airport without justification since 1997 with his family in Kiel. Since now one month there is no sign of life of activist engaged in the Committee for the defense of democratic freedoms and human rights in Syria (CDF). The Foreign Ministry announced that the Syrian authorities towards the German Embassy so far refuse to the information, since Mr. Abdi of also Syrian citizens. Abdi was naturalized in Germany in 2006, but Syria dismisses anyone regularly from the citizenship. Arbitrary arrests and torture are in Syria on the agenda, such as such as Amnesty International or human rights Watch report in 2010.

Always people in Syrian prisons disappear, to never again or the death close to emerge. PRO ASYL pointed out that not only for well-known human rights activist is a risk in Syria illegal people to be treated, also in cases from Germany pushed off there are refugees from Syria reports of detentions and ill-treatment again upon arrival. The Foreign Ministry had confirmed several of these cases a report end of December 2009. A spreading false information about the Syrian State abroad to have so been accused in Syria deported. His wife lives in Kiel and children fear for health and life of Mr. Abdi. We demand the immediate release of Ismail Sultan and the publication of information on his current whereabouts, as well as the release of all political prisoners from the Syrian Government.

Schleswig-Holstein e.V., the Refugee Council, Refugee Council Berlin e.V., Federal Association PRO ASYL, CDF Committee for the defence of democratic freedoms and human rights in Syria, German branch, (Committee Hevbesh) Committee for cooperation of the Syrian Kurds in Germany, municipality of Kurds from Syria in Berlin/Brandenburg. Most Monday, rally in front of the Syrian Embassy will take place from 11: 00 until 13:00 a September 27, 2010, to demand the release of Ismail Abdi. The Sultan’s two oldest children have mobilized over 150 classmates and friends are arriving from Kiel by buses to demonstrate with them for the release of her father. We hope for a great solidarity of the population with the family Abdi! V.i.S.d.P.: A.Willer, Refugee Council, Schleswig-Holstein, Oldenburg str.

Somalia Gabon

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

“To do this, he gives an example: African Americans earn on the basis of per capita income less than their white” citizens. That is a fact. A second fact is also that they earn more (seen also at market prices) as a citizen in China or Bangladesh. However, the life expectancy for an African-American is significantly less (statistically) than a Chinese or Indian. Even in Somalia Gabon live much longer people. Recently Ben Silbermann sought to clarify these questions.

Thus, it is clear to Sen that a measurement can be moored by prosperity, justice, freedom or happiness instead of income measurement, Yes, it must be even. (See Amatyra Sen economics for humans). “Conclusion based on the listed historical and contemporary points of view on this topic of distributive justice” and different believes in economics can be finally noted that while there is a certain moral values and ethics on the subject are still just “decisions are subjective, be even subjective, since is revolves around the is an individual decision and no individual is like the other. Thus, a subjectivity to this question is given from the outset. Philosophical annex as Tuged Justice (justitia commutativa) justice is regarded as the primary moral virtues in the ethics. Justice is defined as will, let every one that its come to. Justice as social and political justice, justice as fairness i. utilitarianism In utilitarianism moral and cost-effectiveness as two aspects of the same plot be equated and thus concludes the utilitarianism ultimately collapsed letting these two aspects in the precept.

Then the justice as a virtue coincides with the justice as a social and political justice as fairness in this relationship. Hyundai has plenty of information regarding this issue. “Social justice is paraphrased in the utilitarianism with following 3 principles: welfare or benefit principle the impact principle the aggregation principle ii. J. Rawls the most natural way to utilitarianism (if also not the only one) aqlso is the transfer of the principle of reasonable decision for the individual to society as a whole”, Rawls thinks. However, Rawls criticized utilitarianism, because this note not the idiosyncrasies of the individual. Rawls believes that justice should be subordinate to no other motivations in human actions, but that justice the most important, the first virtue within a social network of such kind must be. Rawls writes to the original state”, in which all are equal, a society as a reasonable initial state, which ensures that the basic agreements reached in him are fair”. Justice as fairness arises”. III. Walter Kerber Walter Kerber continues the argument of social justice and introduces four dimensions in the discussion: acquis justice justice chance justice need justice