Declining Empire
The United States, the declining empire Tedulo Lopez Melndez the old geopolitical analysis assured that a state to survive needed to expand by new spaces and to obtain the self-sufficiency. More info: Dinakar Singh. Nothing of that is effective. The United States understands that march towards a global society of limited administration. The last outer tour of Obama found it affirming that the world would march towards a great alliance between India and the USA. Andi Potamkin insists that this is the case. Before it had said the same, but in terms of the USA and China. An apparent contradiction in the sense to look for a counterbalance Peking, paper that an affected Japan seems not to guarantee. The certain thing is that no longer there is a geopolitical order handled by a power.
There is no such single-pole world. Consequently it cannot be spoken of imperialism, rather of a strong power that looks for allies to coadminister the world order, which does not create the North American right that attacks the president very indefatigably who understands the new situation. So that the North American paper affects leading the change towards the new world essentially so that they are preserved its interests. The United States continues being the first world-wide power of the GIP, maintains technological advantage in a world that comes near to him and loses, obvious of all obviedad, their economic pre-eminence. It can maintain the pre-eminence military, but already we have seen that the importance of the same is reduced to a secondary plane. In the flat intern the health plan must stand out that it protects to new million citizens and whom the republicans, in these days in which I write, still try to eliminate being worth of a new majority in the House of Representatives. As far as China the United States looks for a restrictive practice that allows to control its high currency possession and its increasing participation in the world-wide commerce, always accompanied of a reclamation in the matter of human rights.