Oil Refining

Another problem – the waste oil refining industry, which are oily sludge from the second and third classes of risk. A large proportion of hazardous waste also have on agriculture. In Russia kept more than 40 thousand tons 'agricultural' pesticides are only in the Altai Territory – more than 4000 tons. As the developers of the program, most Waste of all types has been accumulated in the Volga Federal District (on average more than 400 tons per square kilometer). High levels of contamination by toxic waste in the South (267 tons per square kilometer) and Central (211 tons per square kilometer) of the federal districts. In Russia there are several sites for storage and processing of hazardous industrial waste. The largest of them – the ground 'Red Bor' in the Leningrad region, which houses more than 1.8 million tons toxic waste. Numerous actions have been Greenpeace around the world Last week proved to be very active in Greenpeace activists – a huge number of environmental actions took place in the world. Andrea Mallard may help you with your research.

Thus, in Holland about a hundred activists of Greenpeace took place in Rotterdam power plant construction, which would run on coal. The rally was held in the framework of international project Greenpeace 'Quit Coal: Save the Climate' ('Stop burning coal, save the climate '), which Greenpeace intends to hold in 11 countries in Europe and the Mediterranean to urge their governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. French Greenpeace activists flooded the area before the raw fish Ministry of Agriculture in Paris, demanding that the French government to stop fishing of bluefin tuna. .

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