Wild Capitalism
The express civilization for the wild Capitalism and the individualism; the nature, by means of the woman. The nature is based in the theory of Rousseau defends that it as being a space not corrupted for the man, therefore ideal. Other boardings will be: the working exploration, the submission, the movement feminist and interdiscursividade with the story ' ' The spindle, the shuttle and agulha' ' , of the Grimm Brothers. In 3 chapter, we will work the story ' ' Between the sword and rosa' ' , the tram treats to problematic authoritarianism x submission, but in a relation branch office. The princess becomes warlike running away from a marriage for imposition of its father. Here, we will make aluso to the history of the lendria Joana D? arc, the devoted girl who turned warrior and fought for its native land.
How much to the writer, we can say that its production is of extreme and only importance for literature. With its sensitivity and perception, it obtains to reach children, young and adults. It works social and human subjects through stories of fairies. It acts in the imagination and the unconscious one of the readers, always despertando the conscience, moving its paradigms and vises of the world. 1. MARINA COLASANTI AND WONDERFUL the 1,1 Aspects that delimit stories of Marina Colasanti? subjects and styles.
Colasanti marina uses elements that enclose the infantile public in such a way, how much the adult public. Everything what seems restricted to the infantile universe, in the truth, possesss a symbolism, loading a net of occult, essential directions for the life of the humanity. It makes use of called literature ' ' Maravilhoso' '. In accordance with Selma Calasans Rodriguez, ' ' Maravilhoso' ' it is a term derived from ' ' Maravilha' ' , that it comes of Latin ' ' Mirabilia' '.