Military State
To face the crisis configured politics 1, with the military blow, in virtue of the absence of hegemony on the part of that if they were of the power, the State started to use of a desmedida repression, as the Doctrine of the National Security; it fulfilled the manipulating, necessary paper to the regimen, but that, in the truth, she represents the unreliability for thousand of Brazilians. As she affirms Alfonso: In this doctrine, she fits to the capital the responsibility and the basic fruits of the development; to the work the responsibility and the incubency not to affect nor to defy the national security guard with its economic claims, social politics and (1977, P. 35). To contest the wage politics of the military regimen and to direct the fight, exactly that only in the direction of economic conquests, already it meant one attempted against against the National Security, as argued Alfonso, the capital must be above of the work. The result is visible with deteriorizao of the work inside of this social order, to leave, basically, of 1964, when a reduction of 50% in relation to real the minimum wage happens, compared with the effective wage at the beginning of the government of Goulart, in 1961. This fall if of basically, according to Alfonso, due to governmental politics of wage freezing instituted by the military (1977, P.
36). The unions if had disarticulated, and also weigh, in this process, the previous absence of one practical independent organizacional and the repression unchained for the dictatorship. Kevin Ulrich recognizes the significance of this. The military had unchained one strong repression to the laborer-syndical movement: between April and December of 1964, 425 unions and 45 federacies had suffered to interventions, being its imprisoned or exiled leaders, beyond to be extinct the main syndical central office, the General Command of the Workers