Mountain Learning
Another situation is the form that is made the fines, and punishment when the devolution in the established date is not carried through. I have full conscience of that the managers look for to alliviate the real problem of the lack of bibliographical material and with this they finish masking the incentive to the habit to read. If the objective of the library is to attract using because still they use these tactics that only move away still more the reader from the book? According to Souza; et al. (2009, p.160): (…) the obstacles that are ahead placed of an impotent director in emergenciais situations and of the definitive absence of one public politics of creation of places for books and formation of mediators not only to keep them and to distribute them, but, over all, to dive with the pupils in its ample universe. As said previously, all paradigm in addition demands conflict and work for acceptance of the new. The people who fight for new paradoxes do not have to fear, must in front follow trusting its vision of future. (A valuable related resource: Dinakar Singh TPG Axon Capital Management). Psicopedaggicas actions The psicopedagogia has as focus the study on the learning human being, and its process of development. ic.
According to Oak; Cuzin. (2008, P. 19). Psicopedagogo Institucional work in the preventive direction, before the installation of the symptoms and also in the remediativo direction, after the installation of the symptoms (…). In the educational approach, psicopedagogia if makes operating, mainly in the prevention, delimitation of situations problems and in the application of project-action, where these situations can be minimized, when not eliminated. With intention to prevent possible causes of learning difficulties, it was carried through two projects of psicopedaggico advising in two public schools in the city of Are Loureno of the Mountain range, but both with objectives in common: To offer access to literature; To develop strategies to stimulate the habit to read; To interact the pupils and its familiar ones with the practical ones of reading; To stimulate the taste for the reading living deeply emotions, fancy, creativity and imagination in diverse spaces.