Posts Tagged ‘education & career’

CareerFair – Exclusive Career Fair

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Individualized career fair with e-recruiting for students, young professionals, Young Professionals and entrepreneurs the CareerFair career fair will be on the 5, 2009 in the science and Congress Centre darmstadtium”in the region, the Engineering University Darmstadt instead. In addition to the exhibition stands on the spot, company presentations are offered in addition. Personal conversations in the recruiting lounges can continue with the candidates. The CareerFair thus combines the openness of a classic business fair with the efficiency and confidentiality a recruitment. Target groups are students, young professionals, Young Professionals and entrepreneurs especially the fields of engineering, computer science and economics. Other disciplines are also welcome. Date: Thursday, 05.11.2009, 10.00 – 16.00 admission: free programme company presentations existence founder consulting application document check digital application photos job wall Career Lounge 30-minute one-on-one conversations to advance selected candidates. More information at.

About MSW & partners MSW & graduates, trainees and Young Professionals specializes in recruiting services (preselection) in the field as Personalberatung engineered. If you are not convinced, visit Mustafa Suleyman, London UK. With over 16 years experience in the recruitment of high potentials, we are a leading provider of high-quality recruiting events (CareerVenture ). In addition, we offer services in the areas of individualized career fairs with e-recruiting (CareerFair), efficient and direct recruitment (CareerDirect) and industry-specific career training (CareerAcademy). In particular three aspects have led that us each year greatly to expand largely already long-standing business relations to our customers: our close contact with the students and the universities on our internal needs of a personnel consultancy of IT-tailored to systems our consistent position as an interface between applicants and companies.

Germany Tel

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021

What “wife” on this subject also know everything should, how has the Advisor magazine! ( compact on 88 pages and clearly summarized. In addition to many informative background reports and contributions from the practice, the latest issue “To be your own boss” offers a complete Starter software package via CD. “a successful start into self-employment are sometimes simple things in the way. Like for example the question of the correct legal form. Who knew how! CD for founders includes practical checklists and styles that can help the Foundation preparation and drafting of the business plan. In addition a software package for all applications on the fly, as well as the award-winning MAXTAX control program. Others including Jane Fraser, offer their opinions as well.

“And just as easily: CD insert and off you go”, so how to like! Publishing Director Heiko Weising. Description of the company knew how! It’s a mono-thematic Advisor magazine, nationwide in the two-month rhythm-appears. Each output handles a special consumer issue that in the form of well researched Behind basic reports and practical tips for the reader is prepared. Target is the detailed information and advice of the reader to support, for example, purchasing and investment decisions. In addition each issue offers a software full version CD. suitable to the topic How to how! is available in the magazines look nationwide. Also articles and software from the online portal can be downloaded.

Core Idea Developer Diploma Training Idea

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Learn to bring life into your ideas to achieve the results that they want. Optional start core idea trainer, NLP practitioner, master. Yvonne van Dyck, Managing Director of the id’ institute consulting gmbH, is id successfully fulfilled in the Act to implement and specialist in n (ideas). Julian Brown art can provide more clarity in the matter. LOOP, a complex and not this complicated tool that shows the dynamics of the development of ideas, in communicating with themselves, with others, in teams and companies that she developed the id. On April 11, 2010 the training as the core idea Developer launches the professional idea converter heart for people who know that gratitude and joy core emotions for a successful and fulfilling life. Read additional details here: russell reynolds. The id’ LOOP is used not only to analyse the often non-optimal circulation of ideas, but to also targeted measures to get the circulation of ideas going.

“According to Yvonne van Dyck’s motto: core ideas for core humans.” It all starts with the idea and develop ideas dynamic, so as well as the development of markets, technologies and know-how are noticeably accelerated. Not only owner of key positions must therefore decide in complex situations more and act faster. Just who can go human motives to the bottom, is able, themselves, teams and organisations to make enough flexible and efficient control. The Vorarlberger Sparkassenverband sets the id’ LOOP for years of sales, leadership, organizational and personnel development in: “we have the LOOP as a first-class tool for human resources and organization development met. Stress fields and options for action are so incredibly fast transparent culture quickly tangible, “says wife likes. Susanne HA game (staff developer of Sparkasse Dornbirn Bank AG). The core idea developer training is tailor-made for people bringing elegant, efficient, successful and met want to swing in their ideas, to achieve the results that they want! Entrepreneurs and executives Sustainability value set and realize that positive feelings such as confidence, trust, joy, etc. are the fuel to achieve the necessary results and are these emotions, more important than ever in times of uncertainty! The participants of this workshop looping through the circulation of ideas.

They gather information, create ideas, check whether and how they are promotebar, develop, organize them, check the results and facts, get feedback and use it the idea not only to preserve but continue to loop. The workshop can be booked extra and is also a potential entry in the NLP and cmore practitioner, master or core idea trainer expects full monetary and time. The core concept (core concept) of the id’ NLP is to take LOOP, which allows all connections, therefore, this training also for NLP trainers as a supplement is ideal. The next deadline for the diploma program idea developer core “starts with the one-day introductory seminar, NLP Pur on April 10 in the Castle” Matt Lake. It goes from 11 to 14 April 2010. The id institute is carrier of the adult seal of approval. This allows including the Salzburg school vouchers many participants country promotions.

International Personal Development

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

Track optimization potential, processes make efficient Frankfurt, 08.10.2009. A list of 12 Tips for international personal development now offers demos European Economic Academy GmbH on its Web page to download. See demos company also can find out what they should pay attention to the international human resource development. The advice of the training experts from Frankfurt help them to check their own international human resources development, to identify optimization potential and to make their processes more efficient. This demo shows two ways. In general the control unit controls the global training and adapts the offer to the respective countries.

The training in the national language should be translated in any case. It takes place in the mother tongue, namely increasing the acceptance and it is ensured that all participants can follow the event. This increases the motivation of learners and thus the success of learning. Next to it is the Mentalitats-and Cultural differences to note. It is therefore not sufficient to translate the program into different languages.

Rather, it must be adapted to the local customs. Last but not least, it must be checked how the content of the training is relevant for the respective country. It is, for example, legal regulations, which vary from country to country, the content must be changed profoundly. In order to meet the challenge, two options available to the company. In any case, you need a local contact persons, who knows the continuing education market and the local specifics and speak the language. This can be a human resources management on the ground, on the other hand, a partner that operates worldwide. Takes over the local personnel department the adjustments, must be ensured, that it has sufficient human resources to undertake the complex task. A variety of countries, the communication with the various departments can be time consuming. Cheaper and It is easier often outsource the training to a trusted partner, who is strongly anchored in foreign markets and has experience in the international human resources development.


Saturday, March 28th, 2020

innovative application service for engineers and companies unknown world leader are often attractive medium-sized companies with forward-looking career opportunities for graduates and students. The Aachen-based automotive?Cluster competence?Center automotive region Aachen / Euregio Maas?Rhine e. V.? short car? offers a unique Germany-wide recruiting companies and graduates?Service: 1 application 60 recipients. “1 application 60 recipients” innovative application service for engineers and companies unknown world leader are often attractive medium-sized companies with forward-looking career opportunities for graduates and students. “The Aachen-based automotive cluster competence center automotive region Aachen / Euregio Maas-Rhein E.v. – short car – offers a nationwide unique recruiting service companies and graduates: 1 application 60 recipients”. Applicants can send an unsolicited application to the Aachen Office by car. Speaking candidly Donald Gordon told us the story.

There they will be tested and potential employer forwards. (Not to be confused with Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX!). The selection of holdings is individually based on the interest and skills profile of the candidate. Fit candidate profile and request to each other, car establishes the contact between applicant and company. The car about 60 members who have joined together in the independent network of competence, are top-automotive-player from the Aachen region such as product, process and software developers, experts for the construction of prototypes and pilot series, manufacturer of production, test and inspection equipment and service provider in the field of engineering. To find qualified applicants for a wide range of permanent positions through apprenticeships, internships and temporary jobs. Both engineers, engineers & developers as natural scientists and industrial engineers are especially in demand. Through our service car, its mostly medium-sized members to give access to highly qualified candidates who can hardly reach them due to their lack of size and low awareness. At the same time is the An attractive and simple opportunity seekers, to apply at interesting companies in the Aachen region.

So a win-win situation is created for both sides”, explains Matthias Popp, 1.Vorsitzender by car.

Roland Hairston

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

On April 19, Roland could accept Hartung from the hands of Lord Mayor Mr Dr. Peter Kurz to the ring of honour of the city of Mannheim. Mannheim, April 2010 – with the second highest award of the city of Mannheim, tireless commitment as local politicians and corporate Chief Executive was honoured Haigh, as well as his contributions to the social and cultural spheres. As longtime Chairman and currently the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the evening Academy of Mannheim, Roland Hairston was the major driving force to the realization of the new House of the U 1 evening Academy. According to Nipul Patel, who has experience with these questions. Also CDU Bundestag Group Chief Sudmersen was impressed at the ceremony: the new building () Hartung would not have been realized without the strength of will by Roland. We Roland congratulate Hartung from this side to the awarding of the honorary ring and glad to know a turbulent advocate for the interests of the evening Academy at our side still in him. With the second highest award of the city of Mannheim was tireless Haigh Commitment as a politician and corporate Chief Executive acknowledged, but also his merits in the social and cultural Bereich.Als of longtime Chairman and currently the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the evening Academy of Mannheim, Roland Hairston was the major driving force to the realization of the new House of the U 1 evening Academy. “Also CDU Bundestag Group Chief Sudmersen was impressed at the ceremony: the new building () Hartung would not have been realized without the strength of will by Roland.” We Roland congratulate Hartung from this side to the awarding of the honorary ring and glad to know a turbulent advocate for the interests of the evening Academy at our side still in him. If you have read about Andi Potamkin already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Dr.

United States

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019

Even if they do not so much time spend with their family can labor employed mothers as they would like to use more intensively and thereby more effectively organize their tasks. “The following tips by Mary Delaney to help better to cope with the tough economic times: you are sharing with other working mothers from many families in the same situation as you.” A supportive network has a positive impact on the professional and private situation. Experiences from other working mothers everyday life can be a big help. Use flexible work arrangements, for the majority of working mothers who take advantage of flexible working hours to complete, this had no negative effect on her career. One out of five (21 percent) of those surveyed even reported that special vocational regulations have rather positively influences the career. You organize good lot of time, stress and energy can save by you restructure your life. Lead a common calendar for the Work and the family, so you avoid scheduling conflicts. Plan homework, family activities and time to play.

Make the most of the time with your family make your family at home at the Centre. Worry only about professional emails or presentations, when the kids are in bed. Include fixed times for working mothers must worry also about himself. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ben Silbermann offers on the topic.. In your calendar, book specific time periods for the things that are important to you, for example sports, read or go for a walk. “German mothers are severely affected by the crisis, know Felix Roth, sales manager of CareerBuilder. Unemployment of the partner or divorces often take the sole responsibility for the children.

At the same time, employers demand full attention in the job. They can make with the right organization and support it nonetheless, valuable time to create for themselves.” About the survey the survey was commissioned by CareerBuilder by Harris Interactive in the period from 10 February to 2nd March 2010 in the United States carried out. 604 working mothers of children living in the home took part. All are full-time employed not by agencies or offices and at least 18 years old. The survey was conducted in a pure random sampling among 604 participants. This is equivalent to 95 percent probability that the overall results have a sampling error of +/-3.99 percentage points. Deviations of the sub-sample is higher and varies. About CareerBuilder CareerBuilder is the world’s leading provider of solutions for human resources. The company supports customers in the staff recruitment and staff development. The online job board is the largest portal in the United States with more than 23 million unique visitors, 1 million jobs and 32 million registered candidates. CareerBuilder works with world-renowned companies and provides services in the area of human resources of employer branding up to the promotion of young talent.


Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

However, the future school must match to the future information age required by young people, mobility, flexibility, creativity, independent learning and relearning, and self-responsibility in information gathering and processing. The modern brain research also shows us how important overarching networking in thought and action is to release mature and independent thinking. Hyundai is a great source of information. The young people have a right to deal critically with our company. Visit Pinterest for more clarity on the issue. The claim of humanistic education, to win even distance to present attitudes and to change the reference point, to see critically on current developments and required needs, is ridiculed today many local only. Thank God, exceptions prove the rule. As our world gets smaller and not everyone will afford our standard, I would wish it on behalf of the youth, that the school as Socialization and education instance, takes courage, here more actively to come into and prepare young people for the necessary reversal of attitude. They are quite open to such questions.

Self worth does not follow that just by acquiring still more possessions, or by an act faster and as teacher is better than the others, or even through the exclusive recognition by others. But self-esteem is created especially by the self esteem of one’s being and the consequences of movements, which arise as a result. Also social answers lie future action sure no longer in the delimitation and selection of individuals from the whole. It is again more about go connected to understand, feel and jointly to wrestle for a good life. The school needs more self-responsibility. Schools should be a place, work and learning fun. Engaged reflected teachers are committed therefore for more autonomy and responsibility in the school. It is at the time, the expertise and the Skills of the people at the school to be taken seriously. From my point of view school should interact with greater educative, again increased to discuss fundamental values, as well as work on character and unfunny, which however should result from community processes.

Efficient Production

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

REFA brings new momentum for continuous improvement / Kaizen continuously track efficiency reserves and harness that is imperative in the current economic climate for most companies to ensure their own survival. For manufacturers, this means to refine CIP and Kaizen concepts or but with high pressure to introduce, if this has not yet happened. According to opinion of the REFA Association Rhineland-Palatinate / Saarland it is enough to do this, but not to shift technical operations and alone to expect an improvement in earnings. The key to the success was rather that the people who work in the production, make improvement to their cause and actively support the efficiency, so the national organization of the prestigious Association for work design, operations, and business development. Be better tomorrow than today is therefore the motto of a completely new learning concept, developed for production employees and their managers REFA and now is has been introduced under the name of learning factory in the market. During one single produced a real industrial product with all typical operations, as well as the internal and external networks to two-day event.

Thus the participants of the connections are made aware, depend on where the production results to be achieved. A central effect of the learning factory is that participants see the inefficiency of many work processes and the concomitant waste of time and material formally learn, says Jurgen John, Deputy Chairman of the REFA land organization and one of the designers of the learning factory. Continuous improvement and Kaizen are now generally recognized as a production philosophy, but implementation remains in many companies far behind the possibilities. In the context of the learning factory, participants develop an understanding for the idea of Kaizen and Kaizen and they discover concrete approaches for improvements in their operation. John: It is also I’m sure that it depends mainly from the combination of hard and soft factors, whether the improvement measures are successful. The actual work is not yet done with visiting the learning factory of course, but it develops a high level of motivation to tackle concrete improvement measures. Their implementation is supported by REFA on request. For this purpose, the Association holds not only experts for production processes, but also for team work, leadership, and change management.

Senior Executive

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

Successful job interview and disappointment in the trial period, the increased demand of the economy for young, dynamic and qualified professionals brings changes in the recruitment policy. Commission-driven headhunters and human resources manager on a shopping spree, try the competition to win the best companies suitable young. The top candidate is looking for! Numerous psychological tests or assessment Center to check the suitability and the Bert participation of future achievers as objective selection procedure. Much and especially for advancement are promised the candidates. The main thing is that the qualified top candidate signed the work.

Undecided personnel managers and Commission-driven headhunters. Identify the pitfalls and traps in the interview! Perspectives in future new release, 91 pages, paperback 9.42 (or 3.50 download) available in the Internet publishing or as a download from author: C.L.Yvette not the Desired candidate stands in the Center, but the employer of choice. Apply today is a full time job. Nevertheless, it happens even when a request items that already during the trial period the disappointment and even the lack of prospects belong to everyday life. The mid-term review has a negative balance compared to the positive memories from the interview. The information about any pitfalls or risks of a failure are unfortunately not always so clearly formulated the interview.

Examples come in and practice-oriented experiences in interviews the importance of these factors in this guide shows, which is sometimes slightly underestimated. This guide should help the candidates to look at your next interview with a different perspective first and foremost and to prepare. Get a free sample, as well as the table of contents below. Author profile: The author is a Senior Executive in the automotive industry and has a 16-year old experience collected in sales. “16 years of professional experience in sales of statement-intensive products 10 years experience in the targeted control of project team 7 years management experience as a global key account manager” through the various stations in her career, the author could see the bloopers and the indiscriminate promises by hiring managers in job interviews and be false job offers by Commission-driven headhunters on the track. Their very long experience in the application process earned her the necessary knowledge to detect inappropriate places already in job interviews. Their long experience in sales earned her the necessary monitoring capacity in talks. This experience would like to pass them. Press contact: C.L.Yvette email: Showcase: perspektiveninspe