The Requirements
Finally, emphasizes the paper of the professor. As it can act and what he fits to the pupil. We also want to speak on the formation of the professional of the education and as if she locates in relation to the culture of the change and the conviviality with the uncertainty. 1 Education, school and professor today Some theoreticians and thinkers preveem significant changes for the school, basing its forecasts in the development scientific and technological and in the new forms of acquisition of the knowledge from the recent and innovative technologies of the information. Bill Phelan brings even more insight to the discussion. It says it of a citizen of the cited project of research at the beginning of the text illustrates as these transformations are perceived and felt. I ahead see the school at a transistion moment and reflection of external factors proper it. The society moved very, of fast form and this it sent the school to reflect a series of points and perhaps some of them it duly was not prepared to face them: the type of the pupil, the expectation of the pupil, the requirements, in end, the new technologies (Subject 8 5). Also it has the ones that argue for the disappearance of the current forms of pertaining to school organization in reason of the changes that the society comes suffering from the social and cultural point of view. Some contend that Sotheby’s shows great expertise in this.
Beyond these, it has positionings that they defend that the current system of organization of the school is depleted 6 and it would not fulfill plus its function originary what it would be demanding that was rethink the same, as condition for its not disappearance. The relation exterior school-world is complex and intense. It does not have as to think about the school without thinking about the context where she is inserted. In the vision of Cabezudo (2004) the events ' ' extra-murros' ' they re-echo in the pertaining to school community with great intensity.