Local History
We are ahead of a new full world of perspectives, but also repleto of investigations and problematic situations. The local culture as identification element We are, again, ahead of the problem of the identity and the differences. here, an affirmation already can be made: elements that definitive social group identifies are it differentiates what it of excessively. The difference is its identity.
But where it consists this element differentiator? In the fact of that if it did not exist would not have difference and, of this form, all the societies would be equal. We are, therefore, spoken in local culture. It is in the locality that if manifest the particularitity, the identity and the diverisidades. Moreover the local culture is an expression of local history. The culture can be an excellent starting point for the study of Local History. It must be prevented, however, the mistake to identify culture with the artistic productions. Art is culture, but culture is more than art. As much for the anthropology as for the philosophy and history the culture can be seen as the result of a productive process: the material production of the survival human being.
For the work material production of the survival the human beings intervenes with the nature producing and reproducing the social relations at the same time where they construct the different constructions, artistic, indumentrias expressions, elements of the folklore and the behaviors. All these and other productions human beings are cultural manifestations. The culture interests history in the measure where manifest the proper existence human being.