Progress Energy
" Young historians, in particular, tended to geographical research. Rich Holmberg is likely to increase your knowledge. This is explained by the fact that history and geography were taught in one department and that teachers put geographers problems concern to the society at that time. These problems were, "Demography, migration, colonization, the role of industrial development and urban growth, land use change, Progress Energy, burning questions of the crisis British Empire, the future of large American spaces, awakening of the masses in Asia, the birth of the Soviet plans, "so state history in France during the period was characterized by not only caring young people in other areas research, but also campaign against the story, one of the most active preachers of which was the poet and essayist Paul Valery. In 1931, Valerie P. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Rich Holmberg by clicking through. published a book, "Perspectives on the modern world" in which, noting in a short time absolute change in world history has accused that she could not predict. this, and therefore is not science. P. Valery can not deny the depth of the analysis of developments, for he not only stated the changes "Unprecedented scale", and change the "order of things'.'' The fact that the story did not foresee these changes, caused him no resentment by certain principles of historical research and history in general, where, "since the XIX century.
research ahead of explanation. " He denies the ability to foresee all of history, believing that this "claim" for all refuted the "last war". In the heat of World War I burned the illusion of an important social function of history, its ability to anticipate, and, according to Valerie P., it turns out that history is dangerous. It is dangerous because "it makes the dream, intoxicated people, generates in them false ideas about the past, reopen their old wounds, prevent them from being a quiet life, leads them to the delusions of grandeur or delusions of persecution, and makes bile nation, arrogant, obnoxious, vain. History justifies anything. It is absolutely teaches nothing, as it .
Contains all and gives examples of anything, "Valerie P. conclusion is categorical and it sounds like a death sentence of history, its right to call itself science:" All history is literature and not more than a basis for a novel. " There is no difference between works of Tacitus, Michelet, Saint-Simon and Balzac. Campaign against Valerie P. stories caused quite a stir, he touched many French historians, particularly people think about the need to improve their science according to time requirements. In any case, quotes from the works under consideration, Valerie received the widest dissemination in French historical literature. This is explained by the fact that professional historians, differ in defining the very concept of a "crisis of historicism," nevertheless thought of him, described his symptoms, offered his explanation and a way out of it.