Skin Cancer Screening
Skin cancer screening in the CityPraxen Berlin: Basal Cell Carcinoma / white skin cancer increasing exposure to UV radiation and the increasing age of the population cause, that the risk of skin cancer will increase in the coming years. The Basalioma (also white skin cancer called) is the most common skin cancer, which belongs to the Group of malignant tumors. About 140,000 people become ill in Germany white skin cancer every year. People over 40 years of age, the bright skin, hair and eye color as well as moles with a diameter of about 5 mm, are affected by skin cancer at frequent irradiation in the solarium. Basal cell carcinomas occur mainly in the area of the face, neck, shoulders, chest and stomach. You may wish to learn more. If so, andrew dwyer is the place to go. The main symptom of this disease is the formation of shiny nodules which bleed after a certain period and form a crust.
The formerly white skin cancer is discovered, the opportunities to cure him are the better. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, the diagnosis is made and about the need for the Operation decided. Mikhael Mirilashvili: the source for more info. Basal cell carcinomas usually make no offshoot (daughter growths) in the body. Left untreated, however, basal cell carcinomas can always continue to grow without regard to organ boundaries. There are various treatment options of white skin cancer.
In most cases, the treatment is carried out surgically. If the skin tumour has been completely removed from the healthy tissue is controlled by a microscopic examination. Even after successful surgery must be reckoned that it can come to recur. In this context protection against intense sunlight, regular skin cancer screening and evaluation by the specialists-important precautionary aspects for beautiful healthy skin are”, so Mrs Ulrike Fleck, dermatologist in the CityPraxen Berlin. More information on this and other medical topics can be found under.