Posts Tagged ‘Art’
Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
The meditation, oration and contemplation allow an enormous connection us with God, every day that we slept we entered other states of our body, we entered to our subconscious mind and the unconscious one, then when we finished rising he is a little while opportune to enter information to our subconscious mind, is for that reason that the oration at dawn is quite effective. Each of us we have the capacity to program great desires, if we used the suitable techniques the results can appear more quickly, in fact we can be controlling our life little by little, until obtaining wonderful dominions of our acts and conditions. Consciously often it costs to understand these procedures to us, but once we have implorado to our inner power east will be pronounced of good form. What yes it is certain and we must consider it is that the subconscious mind is influenciable and is there where the ideas must be introduced that we wished for our life, for example the emotions are essential so that the power acts in our favor, in book the Secret of the Power of Metas de Andrew Corentt shows a detailed process to us to escudriar in our interior in order to find our passions, that is one of high strategy for the success, to define goals altogether harmony with our inner state, in this book you will be able to define his intentions with clarity and will feel an extraordinary emotion to fight reason why she wishes. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Mustafa Suleyman, London UK. Motivation is intimately ligature to do things that they give us happiness, if you are in an idea that is not in harmony with its own one being then is limiting the inner power, simply are no positive emotions, the joy to do something that is loved, then knows that the happiness is fundamental to accede to the power of the subconscious mind and that acts to our favor.
We every day have access to our subconscious mind and to the unconsciousness also, this happens when we slept, is for that reason that the oration and the deep meditation have a great power because is based on the idea to extinguish the senses and to enter to our interior, in the book I Am Happy, I Am Rico are powerful techniques to accede to our interior and to program our desires of very subtle and effective way. When we rose or we are on the verge of sleeping to us, our conscious and subconscious mind is connected and is the moment for programming information, therefore powerful affirmations are structured and it is possible to be entered our desires. Also when we are in a situation of then emergencia the subconscious mind also acts with being able, it is why some cases we felt that the time pauses and in fact thus it happens, all this to give the possibility of making right decisions in few seconds. You may want to visit Park Rachel to increase your knowledge. The mysteries of the operation of the universe are exciting, every day happen events and phenomenal circumstances, in the book I Am Happy, I I am Rico you you will know great secrets and mysteries developings on the creation the reality and most important she is than she will be able to undergo a fabulous life obtaining everything what you wish, because she will understand that you are creating his own reality.
Friday, January 10th, 2020
For the Spartans unrelated to spirituality, dreams were as objective as the battles made. Dreams were visiting them not they were something peculiar, and this audience is not always announced with clarity depending on the door that the dream had chosen according to Homer. If dreams were entering through the gate of ivory were confusing and trivial; If they opened the gate of Horn were clear messages that needed to be address. You may want to visit Hyundai to increase your knowledge. Do that in antiquity only dreamed Kings, Princes and dignitaries?, we wonder reading literary works and we are in error, it is not that the Kings have been captive to dreams but that only political dreams were recorded in writing and Artemidorus, Sinesio and Macrobius could not collect the dreams of all Hellas, quite had with the nightmares of the Atrides that every night is acostaban to add jobs. The writer Sinecio of Cyrene was Christian bishop and drafted his Peri Enhypnion overnight following an order of God you listened while he slept.
In his opinion, we should apply to write nocturnarios with the story of dreams instead of ridiculous headlines describing the trivialities of the vigil. To broaden your perception, visit Andi Potamkin. Although it was a Christian bishop, Sinesio ensures that dreams come from the soul that contains itself both the future and the past as eternal; through the reminiscence, he warns, we can reach the days of Socrates because each soul was there if it is eternal. Through dreams, you can anticipate the future where also that was earlier in the body which we bathe, eat and decorate Frente al espejo ignoring all the props we use are not more than our poor resources to mask the death that awaits you. Unique trousseau which would offer, says Sinesio, is mortise, but nor is issue follow it to the letter and go dressed in a vulgar shroud to cinema and much less to the commercial Temple of shopping.
Thursday, January 9th, 2020
The most important aspect when it is assumed the challenge of leading a team, I think that it is dealing with subordinates, since the conduct of individuals is not predictable. When we assume the leadership of a team most of the occasions we will find three types of attitudes toward us: 1.-a group of workers show us your support incondicional.2.-a small group oppose us abiertamente.3.-that will only need to stay in the post. The most suitable is which leadership style that we use to generate a positive work environment with people that support and innovate in favour of the company, this can be achieved that most of our subordinates are located in the Group of people who have shown their support and that gradually go by dissolving the Group of those who opposed us openly. From my perspective, from a start, we must act as we tend to do it regularly, it is not advisable to assume poses or gestures that do not represent us, it is necessary that we send a real image, practically does not pretend to be another a person who is not. Linkedin often addresses the matter in his writings. The poses are discovered faster than ever imagined and this will cause that people hardly trust us when we communicate with an order or give any indication. To begin delegating must take into account the following aspects: 1. we must have the necessary knowledge, we can not delegate functions or activities of subjects or aspects we do not understand in its entirety, it is important to be very well informed and up-to-date. 2 We need to develop a communication one hundred percent effective, the principle of successful communication is know to listen and analyse what we convey, since this will help us give us account that not necessarily all initiatives must start from us, since other members of the team can also provide valuable ideas. .
Thursday, December 19th, 2019
Sea bream, black and blonde with cauchao, caulker, red pepper jalapeo or honey is the proposal of flavors that the familiar company " Commercial society Saavedra & Berndt Limitada" Company; it does today to the Region of Aysn. It is the artisan beer Finisterra, that from Port Swans will arrive at Coyhaique, and from there to all the region, like a new ally to the gastronomical supply with identity of these austral places. " The quality of our waters and that the beer is done with love, with desire. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Robert Kiyosaki on most websites. Since this is like cooking, where if you do a rice with affection is not just like if you arrive and strips the ingredients to agua". It is the phrase whereupon Carolina defines the main comparative advantage of this new product, that it has devised and taken ahead his father, Carlos Saavedra Cid, for that today the day is celebrating of producer of the official launching Thursday in the Historical Restaurant Ricer. For several years that this professor of the Guido School Go’mez of Port Swans looked for the formula that allowed to give an artisan product him in the heading of brewery. It started off with incipient facilities in a place of his house, which allowed him to produce 50 liters for local consumption preliminarily.
But spent the time, it saw the necessity to grow to become a familiar company dedicated to this activity and as a form to contribute to the economic development of its community. " That is what he looked for, that people identify themselves with us, whom she prefers to us, whom feels hers and that sees us like something special for their town. And that also sees that things can be done that are not so common. And that is possible to fulfill sueos" Carolina remembers. It was so after to receive in 2005 resources of the Capital program Seed of Corfo to initiate the work and to realise a market study, in 2009 adjudged to $ 40 million similar program of the organization, but this time in his second line of work, with the sponsorship of Codesser and as a result of to have been winning of a prize at national level in innovation.
Tags: Art, clothes, creativity, crisis, Fashion, formation, image, internet, marks, people, photograph, sites, the news, women Posted in News | Comments Off on Historical Restaurant Ricer
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Tuesday, August 21st, 2018
And, as time goes by, new employees will be seeing an organization that has been settling slowly with years of effort and which tree straightening its trunk, on the basis of the vicissitudes that time will giving him, will strengthen. On the other hand, a business of multilevel which in its 99% is made by people who believe that money is made easy, and to the extent that the followers tend to be idle, the absence of a mystic by the company and the products that they sell, not to receive the expected monetary benefits, most branches of the tree will fall, and only the first win (which financial pyramid). MLM gurus are nothing more than messengers of idleness and the easy work, even pretend to say WINS while you’re sleeping or things so. Time and experience gives us the reason and we are witnessing hundreds of letters and emails that we send cursing have been stuck in a MLM business and losing money. In my 26 years of professional experience in productive areas and my eternal curiosity about topics of computer science, I have analyzed and participated (I tried to many times the business of multilevel) to see where was the central heart that would say that it is good business and recommend it but, after a long time with many testimonies of enterprising people like me, hundreds of testimonies of disappointment of the MLMI would not recommend them in any way and instead recommend entrepreneurs that produce whatever or give services of whatever.
Do homeland!. The best advantage that have transnationals with respect to the world market is mostly industrial SMEs fear to not knowing how to compete. In 11 years (since 1999) that has my forming enterprise of SMEs industrial (Ceateci) for the sale of its e-books of technical courses production have been exceptional witness of more entrepreneurs 1250 have managed to do your SME, produce, give work to relatives and friends and to be now entrepreneurs independent and not humble himself to slavery times and paltry salaries that transnationals with its exploitative mood since time immemorial have made always exploited workers bend over the head and support the humiliations. Entrepreneurs of the world to form their industrial SMEs.
Tuesday, November 1st, 2016
Surely if you are an entrepreneur in internet or, if it is a person who has the idea of starting a venture in line, in great esteem the topic of this article; the organization is essential if we want to move in a certain direction by performing steps or fulfilling goals to achieve the results we seek. All successful entrepreneur knows and gives great value to your organization, because he knows that this is the basis of his steps on the internet, in a word the main tool of your success. Generally as entrepreneurs we tend to be restless and obstinate people therefore organize at the beginning is not an easy choice, but implemented once the results speak by itself alone. In this article I want to share some rules or steps that entrepreneurs used to achieve a certain goal in their businesses. The following steps can help you get organized and achieve goals much easier and in a more orderly way:-determines what you want to achieve with the greatest possible clarity, since this depend on the steps and the way in which you organizations your hours on the computer. For example if you want to generate more traffic to your blog or your website, you will have to determine minutes and exact times to dedicate yourself to the promotion of the same, either write articles, comment in forums, ads, etc.
Once determined the goal, or what you want to achieve in the short term, to begin with, sets the hours that you do your business online weekly you will do five hours per day, since then a certain lapse of time daily, either 30 minutes or an hour exclusively dedicated it to the promotion of your site. -If not accounts with a program to schedule your actions make a list in an Excel worksheet, which you will have to view on your computer, in it you tarantellas exactly what you will do in each fragment of time. Probably at the beginning will cost you adapt to the new scheme, but with the passage of days and seeing that you start to advance will prove you increasingly easier. -Prioritizes tasks, this means there are thousands of opportunities to perform thousands of actions to be done, as in line but you have to prioritize what you want to do first and leave for last the least important; This will prevent you frustrated by not reaching all what you’ve suggested you do. It takes into account that all what we do always there are things that are not of importance nor much less than adds urgency. As I said at the beginning of the article, are not born with the skills to organize ourselves, these are learned with the passage of time and with the need to move forward until more clear objectives and that they bring us higher credits, ultimately we created an online business to make and apply in all what we can contribute to your success. The organization is an early ability that we have to acquire if you want to succeed in what we are doing online. If you need more information relating to the undertakings in line, I invite you to visit me on my blog where you will find extensive information on this and other topics related to internet marketing. I hope that this article would have served to reflect on the need for the Organization to achieve success on the internet, online you can find programs or applications to manage time, use them and you will notice the difference in just the first week. By his biggest success online. Jorge a. Magallanes.
Sunday, September 18th, 2011
Durer was born May 21, 1471 in Nuremberg, the son of a goldsmith, who arrived in this German city of Hungary in the mid XV century. In this family, there were 18 children, of whom the future great artist was the third child and second son. His father, Albereht Durer the elder, was a goldsmith. At first his father tried to inspire his son jewelry business, but then realized that her son artistic talent at the age of 15 years, Albert was sent to study at a workshop leader Nuremberg painter Michael Wohlgemuth at the time. There Durer learned not only painting, but engraving on wood and copper. Education in 1490 to complete the journey by tradition – for four years, the young man traveled to several cities in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands, while continuing to improve in the visual arts and material processing. In 1494, Durer returned to Nuremberg, shortly after which he married. He then in the same year, takes a trip to Italy, where he met with the works of Mantegna, Polayolo, Lorenzo di Credi, and other masters.
In 1495 Durer returns to his hometown and for the next ten years creating a significant part of his engravings, have now become famous. In 1505 Durer went back to Italy. In 1520, the artist takes a trip to the Netherlands, where he became the victim of an unknown disease, then it muchivshey until his death. Durer died on April 6, 1528 at home in Nuremberg. Durer was the first in Europe, the magic square, shown in his engraving "Melancholia" (see Albrecht Durer's square). In the work of Durer created dignified and courageous, a truly humanistic image of man complex era. "Self Portrait" (1500. Alte Pinakothek.
Munich) holds a special place not only in German but also in all European art, reflecting the depth and the inconsistency of the creative consciousness, which stood on the verge of two eras. Depicting themselves in a strictly frontal pose, Durer used a compositional scheme, which medieval artists used for the image of Christ. For him, it had special meaning: a person, according to the author, should remind Saviour only in appearance but also in a figurative sense, the top – ready to take on and carry the "cross" conferred upon him in this life. Not haughty pride, but deep religious consciousness comes through in this "adjustment" with a Christ: his peerless artistic gift Durer (almost reached the threshold of the thirtieth) perceives as God's grace and their response to the duty of the Creator, gave him great ability to "create peace" again – brush and chisel. In this self-portrait the artist tried to connect the old system of proportions with the new Renaissance doctrine of the proportions of the human body. In an effort to overcome the conventions of old art, Durer was the first German artists mastered the best artistic achievements of Renaissance Italy. Like Leonardo, he embodies the characteristic of the Renaissance artist-scientist type, combining the rational, scientific knowledge the real world with its deep philosophical reflection and transformative, dynamic and passionate imagination of the artist. Due to the fact that Durer died before the formal registration of Protestant denominations, it is difficult to say accurately, that he became an adept of the Reformation, however, his engravings of the period – namely, several variants of the "Last Supper" clearly shows his keen interest in the ideas advocated by Luther, namely, communion for the laity, not only bread, but wine.